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Last update for (4)Dawn of Epsilon 1.3 : 2006, 02, 07 22:51
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
610 (4)Dawn of Epsilon 1.3 128*128Djin)Xuul(1.1final

The map has been rated 73 times and got a total of 78 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)


Looks very interesting. First impression is that you have great position balancing for a map with so many ramps. Imo it would be better if purple had a slightly shorter way to his choke, but this would be pretty hard to do.

I'm too tired too think of race balancing in details atm, but I don't see any big problems here neither. Great map.

Looks very interesting. First impression is that you have great position balancing for a map with so many ramps. Imo it would be better if purple had a slightly shorter way to his choke, but this would be pretty hard to do.

I'm too tired too think of race balancing in details atm, but I don't see any big problems here neither. Great map.
Can't say it too often ;P
hehe thx :]

yes, the racebalancing is kinda unknown... cause zerg needs to make 3 hatch expansion
well, but with such an expansion zerg can secure at least both nats

ah damn... have to change 2 small ramps:
these small ramps are rly weird... those leading from left to right upstairs can be used by tanks too, but the other ones dont allow tanks to pass... i had that problem on aoki uru too.. kinda sux :(
well, this is also a cool idea, though it's imho not executed as good as on ancamelis.
It looks neat, but I can imagine a T taking "his" 3 expos quite secure...well, center is quite open and there aren't many drop-possibilities, but I still dunno if this works balancewise. But as you said, racebalance should be tested :)
i think this looks really cool. The only positional imbalance would be green stair since a hatchery wont cover that entrance.. but i dont think it matter either. If the map is played alot, people will start adjusting to it and there will be strategies to get around it.
ya u r right, i just changed this positions, though it doesnt rly satisfiy me :/

im thinking of just take those small ramps away... what do u think ?
hm, the problem about them is that their usage and their danger lie in the matchup. in some you'll have to be aware of it (lings can easily pass in PVZ), in other you don't this much (vults would need too much time in pvt, so 1 cann should do it)

dunno, guess you'll have to play several times by both players focussing on using those stairs.
Have you tried pthing from base to base with those rusty pits? i bet units will get stuck and moving between them while going from base to base :o
yap u have to control them a little, but its not that all units stuck around... its less than having mass doodads
Oh, nice man, i love maps with diffrent forms for the star positions. Also this map looks so simple... :) . Nice.
i rearanged the mainbases... is better that way :)
I am 90% sure that the upper comment is not really mine...

Anyway, the map is good. But i think that there would one huge problem with pathfinding. For example - from red to blue. I think the army will try to move right trought those holes between the the sunken terrains (i forget their names), wich will seperate and slow the army.

The map must be played to prove that ofcourse but i am very sure, that there would be a pathfinding problems.
blue, teal, purple all have easier time for zerg to defend nat than red does. Easy 3 bases for terran to turtle up at blue and purple
sorry but i cant follow ^^
y should the red base be harder to defend as a zerg as the others?
and y has terran easy 3 bases as blue and purple and not as red or teal?
reds natural is farther back, similar to 12 on LT which is unbalanced because terran can run up your main ramp without having to get thru sunkens when u 2 hatch, while you can 2 hatch at other positions, not sure about other thing
if u open the map in staredit u gonna see that its no problem for zerg to save the nat easily with a single hatch
the point is that its not AS easy. say a terran scouts you at this position he sees you are not morphing in sunken as fast as you should be, he brings his 4 or so rine rush with 6 scvs about and runs up your ramp in any other base you could stop this easy cuz they have to run through , but on reds position it takes longer for the creep
teals gas expo can be protected from its main with tanks.
im so damn unhappy with the purple mainbase... its just to big and i dunno how to resize it
besides.. i would like to make a zerg fe harder as its on R-Point... cause this map favors zerg a lot in due to the big middle and the amount of expansions
starparty, trcc.. u have some time to take a look at it?

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