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Last update for (4)Aoki Uru 1.1 : 2007, 06, 02 20:16
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
611 (4)Aoki Uru 1.1 128*128Djin)Xuul(2.2final

The map has been rated 25 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

hm, if a game on this map is interesting or not will depend on how the players spawn concerning the starting position.
And I don't want to spawn next to a terran on the bottom positions :(

Map is very simple structured & quite nice designed, but I don't really like the expansion layout.
y dont u like the expansion layout ?
depending on the starting positions, there is almost only one expansion about which will be fought between the players, while the others lie far away from "combat zone"
So I think players will tend to take those in their back regarding enemy's base, which would focus dropfights only on bases. this makes it a bit onesided imo. This is also favored by the pairwise near mainbases...10secs in BO-speed can decide win/loss very easily because of the short ways.
Where do you get the names for your maps from?^^

Well If i remember correctly, all units can use these ramps, but they act stupid and might get confused on them. So it seems it might give some frustrating gameplay, frustration is never good :[
Yeah, especially these ramps are more confusing then the other ones. Check EVIDENCE.rep and Stairtest.rep.

Evicence shows that you can't simply click "up" and the units go up on a certain stair, white Stairtest shows that they can move up, with a lot more precise clicks. But as said, quite annoying.
@flo: i think about it when i make the next update ;)

@panschk: as your clanmates` mapnames are from Goa artist, i use Goa songs as inspiration :)
Aoki Uru is a song made by Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Dawn of Epsilon is a song of Tim Schuldt and Ancamlis of Shiva Chandra ^^

@lis: gonna watch the reps soon ;)
theyre nothing spectacular its just that the stairs are 1 fucked up doodad :P
true ^^ i just wans't sure what stairs are the fucked up ones, and he can decide by himself if he want's to implement them or not.
well.. the stairs on this map are the ones, where goons, tanks, etc.. can move down- but not upwards ^^

im thinking of deleting them and make it as real airmap o0
that might just be better. atleast to egt rid of the areas the stairs are connected to :O
Random map, looks nice. The stair doodad is fine if you use the one that works all the time and not the one that works most of the time^^

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