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Last update for (2)Hodasura : 2005, 10, 24 17:23
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
613 (2)Hodasura 128*128CZ_Satik0.7final

The map has been rated 61 times and got a total of 40 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Are you sure zerglings can't pass trught the leak near the clifts to the center? And red location have a wider high ground behind the minerals then blue. I think you should fix that. And i hate expansions with 2 gas stations. But this is what i hate... so... you don't have to listen to me :) .
if small units can fit through, you might want to try making it wider for more flanking opportunities, just a though though it would change the map concept a bit.
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the zerglings - I am not sure, I'll test it

wider high ground - it's not possible, the map is symetrical...
T is killing everything here.
Cliff at the mainbase, and a hell small (and short) pushing way to the enemy. And even if the enemy tries to take the _long_ (too long to be an alternative), terran will have no problems holding his main, neither the cliff-passage to the enemy base.
I don't think it's terrans map,
cliff at the mainbase can be used also for lurkers, dragoons or cannons...
that is not an argument, that is ignorance. Cliff abvoe the main base is proven from time to time to be hillariously terranbiased and that is a fact, not a 5-second-thinking statement.
I don't know how you are supposed to play this? The mains are so small, there is no real fighting/flanking zone on the map. Yeah, cliffs look very terran-favoring, but first of all it doesn't look very playable with any race.
I tried to describe what to change, but i felt to inaccurate, so i edited it and show you the picture instead.

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the whole waterarea should go away too
As Terran, you still have good chances in containing your enemy, but now with a shuttle instead. The distance would be larger also, still unbuildable so terran can use this way to push, but without turrets, and attackable from the highground expansions with psi-storm or countertanks.
I like the water area, good for airunits to move and attack. Muta harrassment vs pushing terra.
The middle of map I accept, but still I think, that the high ground behind base can be used not only for siege tanks, but also for lurkers, psi-storming of drones or regenerating of mutalisks.
Simply every race can strategically use it against every another...

Listoric: Thanks, I like it on the picture, I'll change it as in the picture (if it doesn't matter you).
But still I am not able to understand :) , why is it bad to have high ground behind base, if it is small... :)
because terran have easier time defending such a ledge. Turbo newbie is very powerful.

Zerg cant build up there without hatchery so they need to position alot of units to defend and that is not wantable.

protoss loose much resource and strategical advantage by rushing shuttle and building cannons behind that wall.

Terran on the other hand can send 2 rine 2 scv and a tank ina ds and make powerful blockade with bunker and turret.

+ a terran can easily siege the blockade away but the other races are like dead if someone takes that cliff. they cant kill a good turbo newbie from below as terran can.
And not to forget that terran can kick all PERMANENTLY. Threatened by a lurker, you can still move your probes away until your HT has arrived to storm it. when T starts building turrets, they're finished very soon, which makes the cliff undefendable after a short time.He also can attack your buildings/HQ very easily.
Thanks for explaining it.
You never played a game on LT where T has taken your cliff so you couldn't get it back?

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