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Travin | | | tried to make jpg in scm draft but it was like over 2.8 meg even afther i made it jpg | LGI | | | First re-size to 768x768, then convert to jpg.
About the map... it's awsome :D | Travin | | | thanks, changed pic | flothefreak | | | wow, looks great
hard to say anything about balance, we need to see games on it :)
strange layout, but strange means here "good, original layout" :D | Starparty | | | Well to be honest i dont really get it... Both players get 3 expansions practially for free.
and bottom pos can be tankharrased safely, while top cant. | LGI | | | Yep, but the gas is not that free :) . So thats why i like the map, i will try to play it tonight. | Travin | | | in the first v. the closest nat wasnt there
but i realised that the map was so riiiiiiidiclious open so i had to change it | MillenniumArmy | | | Cool, although IMO there's an awful lot of expos | Nightmarjoo | | | I like this map, it's good. | Alter.Ego | | | I need to play some games on this, looks fun. |
| Replays
- - LGI vs naTco(1on1, 1.13) - - LGI vs naTco(1on1, 1.13) - - BHolder vs sunwoo0271(1on1, 1.14) - - BHolder vs djax(1on1, 1.14) - - BHolder vs tlqkf171(1on1, 1.14) - - DarkPlatypus vs DG)Rogue(1on1, 1.14) - - nicklecool vs DG)Rogue(1on1, 1.14) - - flothefreak vs uk_driver(1on1, 1.14) - - flothefreak vs uk_driver(1on1, 1.14) - - SamRaider vs DG)SpoilR(1on1, 1.15)
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