decaf | | |
No great map by any means, but it is a quantom leap from your first feeble atempts. This one actually looks semi normal :) |
Bobo_ | | |
Interesting map. Reminds me of Namja Iyagi or Blade Storm. You should experiment with the nat location though. Other than that, another good map to experiment on. |
gre | | |
should make the high dirt around the ramps of the bottom bases a bit larger |
panschk[FP] | | |
argh sorry, you really need to pay more attention to details, if anyone should be _playing_ this map:
- purple choke
- green's mainbase size
- green's backdoor expo
- overall decoration and shapes :( |
flothefreak | | |
and the setup of EVERY expo is somehow ruined. |
(Nightmarjoo) | | |
I'll look into those things panschk/gre. I know my decoration sucks, I'm not sure how to decorate maps best. What's wrong with the expos? I've tested them and the comps don't have issues with them, and I havn't found any problems with them. I'll play some humans and see what they think i guess. |
decafchicken | | |
"Reminds me of Namja Iyagi or Blade Storm."
Are you on drugs? |
flothefreak | | |
just compare how your expansions are located at their spots, and how they are built to other, known (or good) maps |