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Hey, you missed me? ;P

Well I was doing some programming on a tournament script that Spacemarine wants to use for his BWTT, and I think it is quite nice. Certainly less frustrating to administrate than BWMN to say the least^^

While I want to mention that we can use that script for whatever playoff (double and single elimination) tournament you have in mind, I also want to improve the usability for BWMN. I think that is much more important than new design or even new features. Stuff like having to set the tileset every single time you update the map sucks ;O

Post what you think are the most frustrating usability concerns, I'll see what I can do about it.
2006, 10, 03 13:13
re-arranging the menus so strangers can navigate more easily.

left side:
like, dropping the "Rec. Maps" button, deleting the "under construction", "league", "classic", "final", "experimental" links (just keep "MAP DB" and the search inputfield)

right side:
reducing the maps shown under newest updates to 5 - the really recent maps are anyway those 5 on top, and having 5 will get more ppl to actually click "newest updates" and thus seeing not only those 10 "new" ones. atm, maps below are totally out of cognition, which leads to bumping.

Drop the last thread-entries below the forum and just keep the major buttons (OT/feedback forum/main forum). the "thread-ticker" is kinda strange in stucture, different from other sites...and you could think there are only 4 topics :S

same goes for article. older articles would get more attention if you wouldnt see just 3 recent ones. only keep the article button and users will click on it and see ALL articles

competition is OK as it is

left side:
the NEWS button should be on top. below, I'd put the "register" and "list users" thing. under that the "login/pm" stuff, and move adminlogin to the bottom of the left navigation bar

instead of having an "upload map" button and an "edit map" link, i'd make a "headline" like 'Map Access' and set two _same-level_ links for them. so new users wont miss the edit button so much ;)

in firefox, when clicking on Newest Updates, the site is strechted over the edges, because you have a VERY long chain of page-numbers below. that is annoying, cut the line somewhere (zeilenumbruch) ;)

that's all stuff I'd propose in order to get a better structure in the page, more usual and more comfortable, which is imo quite a problem actually, because the site seems quite messy right now. i hope you can and want to execute my suggestions
modified by flothefreak
2006, 10, 03 13:46
I agree with flo in most parts, but I wouldn't reduce the number of newest-updates-maps. Sometimes I come home from school and have to realize that I can't see all the recently updated maps because there is so much going on. Of course it's not always like that, but it happens from time to time, and will happen more often if the number is lower, obviously.

2006, 10, 03 15:27
yeah but if you see it EVERY day, you click EVERY day on newest updates - and the maps from rank 10-15 (or even 20) may get some attention. at the moment, there's a clear cut. newest updates should only show the NEWEST, but imo the main reason should be to click on the newest-updates-button and see everything that was discussed the past days.
modified by flothefreak
2006, 10, 03 21:36
I agree with spine, and therfore flo, but as spine said decreasing shown maps is a bad idea imo. I already have to go into the map db to look at maps that were pushed back, and I doubt that everyone takes that initiative, they just consider the maps that they can see on the right.

I like the way the forum is on the right side; if anything add more threads there. But flo's idea for that is valid as well.
2006, 10, 03 21:37
that's just kinda messy in the navigation bars, as i see it. are the "newest updates" considered as showing the only maps to discuss? or are they more a teaser, dragging people to look what else we have in stock? I'd say the latter, and people are rather interested in what was recently happening (so: newer recent maps) than going into the map DB without knowing how old or recent maps have been there.
2006, 10, 03 21:59
search function should be cleaned up a bit. i hafta redo searches sometimes for no reason :/
2006, 10, 03 22:07
NM, can you go more into detail on that search funktion? It works differently (much more simple and low tech^^) than other search functions you find on the web, that might be the reason for your confusion. You mean the map-search function, don't you?

On my list:
  • auto-remove text on click for input fields.
  • changing the left menu structure. The forum shortcuts will stay, I like them:) I'd say I dont tuch the newest map limit right now neither;P
  • "no change" for tileset when changing maps.
  • 2006, 10, 03 22:41
    well when i type something to be searched it doesnt always recover things. and then when the page comes up the words i typed end up being removed except for the first word.

    Is it possible for you to make more advanced searching for "Search Forum"? the ending responses are so broad its impossible to find what u want :/ .. i know that would probobly be alot of work but Im just suggesting things 'to do', :)
    2006, 10, 03 22:51
    sounds good so far
    2006, 10, 03 22:52
    imo the best modification would be the decreasing order of forum posts, i mean the newest is on the 1st page
    2006, 10, 03 23:47
    one thing i'd love to see in the search / map db is a search option by map dimensions (slap me if there is and im blind)

    could really help searching for a map
    2006, 10, 04 12:39
    i did some of the changes:
  • You dont have to worry about map-type and tileset when setting MOTW or uploading a new version anymore.
  • search for map size included
  • re-structured the left menu

  • 2006, 10, 04 22:31
    hey it'd be nice if you added a thing maybe on the left side which linked to a list of all MOTWs, their melee, obs, and pics for easy access.

    (Scrolling through the entire bwm news thing takes a little while :) but I did it the other day when looking for good maps for BA tourney^^)
    2006, 10, 06 01:10
    click on "MOTW" on the right side of the page? The menu header above the current MOTW...
    2006, 10, 06 07:37
    It's good that now i can see all pages from the Map DB, but can you make the same in the Replays section?
    2006, 10, 06 16:04
    lol sorry spines I didn't see that
    2006, 10, 06 22:41
    Panschk, can you make dates on map comments, not only the posts in the forum?
    2006, 10, 12 12:50
    k half my gosu maps are now rated -1337, just to let you guys know.
    2006, 10, 14 21:49
    you're dumb :p
    2006, 10, 18 15:21
    2006, 10, 18 23:50
    page: 1 2


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