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Swasticas in maps
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I remember hearing about how what apparently is a swastica shape appears in map designs fairly frequently, I know Nazca was accused of being a nazi symbol, but I think I sorta understand how such a shape comes into mapping.

That's called a Quadradic Koch Island. It's a fractal. If you sorta round the values of that to a much less precice value you'd get a swastica. A friend of mine was remarking that he thought there is a lot of fractal behavior in staredit; mapping must have a lot of fractal activity in its shapes and design.

This is a 32segment curve, another fractal with a swastica appearance.

Essentially what I'm saying is that it's not necessarily the fault of the mapper, and certainly not with any malicious intent (though anyone who is offended is an idiot) that a swastica appeared. Either math is a code of nazism, blizzard is a wing of neo-nazism, or fractals are a very inherant part of mapping; which makes sense since chaos theory and fractal behavior is very much so part of landscape and of nature and shapes.
2007, 06, 01 04:48
nah the reason is that in most rotation-main-concept-maps, there is somehow a path to the middle, usually with a modified terrain. due to the rotation, it quickly gets a swastika because you then just need a curve/expand/ramp somewhere that forces terrain shaping, and you're done with being a nazi.

the only way of becoming a nazi more easily is telling on the internet that you're from germany. somehow it seems that this is for genetic reason and we're all a little bit of hitler over here -.-

so fuck all americans, who are still killing indians and buffalos all the time :o
2007, 06, 01 11:40
Cool pics :)

The only problem is that people only think of Nazism when they see a swatica. Actually swasticas have lots of positive meanings as well, the Nazis just spoiled it.
For example in big churches, you can often see swasticas in the decoration of floor and walls. And those churches definately were built long before Hitler made his appearance.

So, as long as it is not DEFINATELY on purpose, swasticas on maps should be ignored...
2007, 06, 01 12:24
!!!Hey guys, I'm from germany!!!
But i heard flo is the nazi at this site, so i don't want to steal his standing.

I think the swastikas apear, because the quadrats in the editors like Staredit aren't horizontal.
Therefor mapers have to make a map wich has this basic layout.

modified by lnept
2007, 06, 01 13:48
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2007, 06, 02 11:14
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modified by Alumni
2007, 06, 02 19:54
Ahem, what is a swastica? O_o
And i really don't care if Nazca looks like a nazi cross... -_-'
2007, 06, 06 15:19
Where are you from Protoss4ever?
It was a symbol used by hitler. Therfor it is forbidden in germany and i think in other countries, too.The nazi's also use it nowadays.
Look at some history books, there you will find more information.^^

modified by ptar
2007, 06, 06 22:56
The swastica is in maps because it looks cool and works well...simple as that.
2007, 08, 15 21:53
the "Nazi Cross" is a swastica, simple as that. But not necessarily the other way round!
2007, 08, 16 17:54
It would also have a lot to do with the fact that most maps are 4 players and have a symmetrical shape.
So a swasticka and/or and 'X' are pretty common.
modified by SpoR
2007, 11, 10 22:59
I say if you know your map is gonna end up being a swastika, just make it backwards to avoid controversy.

I'm not offended when I see it in maps, but since it's avoidable, there's no point in provoking anyone.
2007, 11, 11 01:14
or if your map has a swastika, don't put "naz" in the title. not saying that this was intended by death link, but it would help avoid the controversy.
2007, 11, 15 21:12
2007, 11, 16 02:03
its bullshit to say a map is nazi, just happens to be that the nazi symbol is really good map design
2007, 11, 25 13:31
Fractals are inherent to all actual objects. A fractal is something which has a fraction of a dimension (not an integer like 2 or 3), and has therefore infinite detail. If you zoom in on any shape, you can theoretically zoom in indefinitely and still find stuff. Even smaller than the levels of electons, or quarks, there are particles of matter. All real objects (as opposed to ideal euclidian shapes, squares, cubes, ect, which are perfect and therefore lack infinite detail) display fractal behavior to a certain extent. Thus, as fractals are inherent in the evolution of all species, and the formation of all things chemically and subatomically, it makes sense that these patterns would come out in human art. However, a human ideal of perfection exists, and humans seek this perfection as well as the imperfect which naturally occurs. Part of human thought seeks the most perfect, but not necessarily unnatural. Thus, the intricate shapes of ideal fractals is also inherent in human thought, as they are perfect, and infinitely complex.

tl;dr, the swastica, which I proved above displays fractal behavior, is part of human art just as any other shape is, but more so than any other shape, because it is complicated.
Mapping is a form of art, so all things which appear in any kind of human art will appear in mapping.
2007, 12, 04 04:22
modified by trcc
2008, 02, 01 20:01
"who gives a shit about swastika nowadays."
The most german people and all my teachers.
2008, 02, 02 23:47
You guys write too much, I just wrote this a while ago because I tired, bored, and wanted to fill the forum recent post things on the front page with my name, and had to make up something for feedback forum.
2008, 02, 03 08:10
I was a bit angry but what I want to say is let the stuffs in the past stay in the past. it is not because this symbol has been used by a nation that it must be banned forever. As we all know the symbol has other meanings. Let's just forget the bad aspects about it. Mapping doesnt have anything to do with all of this so if your map has a swastica shape it is fine
2008, 02, 03 20:05
Lol, look at this map. It was uploaded some time ago:

Think the author was a little retard :)
modified by ptar
2008, 02, 03 20:55
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