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Ooze Map?
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Protoss and Terran are not limited to their main bases to build. What would you guys think about a map where nearly all of the floor is covered in ooze (a la neutral colonies). I mean everywhere, A few inside the edges of the mains, A few outside the nat. And/or all over 85% of the rest of the buildable tile on the map.

Potential uses:
Early game sunken rush (like T/P can do).

Early game hidden/fake tech (like T/P can do).

Sunken before expanding at nat and other bases (like T/P can do).

Late game Nydus basically anywhere (like P recall).

Sunken a ramp before/while taking the main (like T/P do).

Other mentionables:

Start colonies with a certain % of HP for different balance reasons.

Leave enough non ooze areas in mains and nats as well as random places around the map for T and P to use.

Stacked colonies to prevent ease of ooze removal.

Maybe we should have an Ooze map contest?

modified by SpoR
2009, 02, 25 23:42
It would be horribly imbalanced, you'd be stuck in a catch-22 trying to balance out that horrible feature without hurting either z or t/p too much.

You can't start colonies with a low %hp outside of ums.

Also you'd be stuck making a very basic/simple/standard map, else the concept would be overwhelming.
2009, 02, 26 06:16
What the hell are you talking about? You can always place units on the map with like 10% of their base hit points on any map. (I do it with minerals all the time to change their wireframe color to red/blue/ etc.)

And who says the map has to be basic? Just take any random pro map and start placing colonies around and there you have it.
2009, 02, 28 22:37
You have to place them as unit sprites and thus won't be able to change properties such as hp...

Just taking a random map (I assume that it is a reasonable ballanced one) and covering it in creep will obviously gravely unballance it in favour of Zerg (for all the reasons you mentioned and more).
2009, 02, 28 23:24
You guys don't make a convincing counter argument.
2009, 03, 24 19:04
You don't make a convincing support argument.
2009, 03, 24 22:04
i support the idea. Why are we making maps with standard layouts and hope to revolutionize the game, when in reality when our maps even become slightly famous they are already passé because korean mappers stole the innovative ideas like this and changed the game?
2009, 03, 26 14:51
come one starparty, grow up.
you think korean stole ideas too?
do you know korean mapping sites?

they are older than bwmn and they have lots of new maps every single day, good maps, solid maps that would become motm if they were posted here, n00b maps, revolurionary maps.

and SCMDraft allows the user to place strites and doodads, that's the way SCMDrft is made. so you think WE DISCOVERED something? it was already programmed!!!

i realy laugh when people here write about korean stealing our ideas, the point is that you have never seen those dayly korean maps, with crazier ideas like flag beacon, Troy assimilator, Baekmagoj creep colonies, etc.

you sound like people thinking the terran vs zerg mechanic build with tanks and goliaths is a new and revolutionist build order...

is has always exist!
or you think we discovered this things and korean didn't and they won't, because they can't do it (they live in the starcraft country! come on)
2009, 03, 26 18:31
lol Testbug what about the time they took your (3)desert map with rocks in the middle, converted it to twilight and renamed it? :D
2009, 03, 27 02:56
Testbug, do your homework. Ill just need to say:

Gas issue.

That should pretty much cover it.
2009, 03, 28 02:19
There's never anything wrong with trying out new ideas for maps. In a situation like this, though, you would probably need some feature in addition to the creep colonies to help balance the map.
2009, 03, 28 22:04
page: 1


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