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Is anyone interested in making some new TMA maps? I could really use some help on this. Even if someone with some expert skills - I've opened the program a few times, mostly by accident trying to play brood war, and I've tried and I've failed - could just take a few minutes to help me with one or two minor TMA things. Or maybe a longer time, if you want to try your hand at making balanced maps that will be played repeatedly. If anyone is interested let me know :) The map is TMA x17 Ver. I will put a link to yousendit or something soon. The map has a decently wide circulation on East or if you've ever played it as well. We'll talk! Thanks so much in advance.
2009, 04, 04 07:21
Ok. I will offer money; I can pay VIA Pokerstars or Full tilt transfer. I'm looking for as little or as much as you want to do basically. The simplest alteration I want is just making a 4vs4 version but I would love to get a bunch of new TMA maps, with different unit selections and heros, so if you are willing to do a lot of work there is the potential to make a few hundred dollars here.

Let's talk - contact me on MSN @
2009, 04, 08 15:01

this is the file i'm talking about
2009, 04, 08 17:11
TMA has no advanced triggers really. Its just quite a bunch of them. idk if TMA x17 is different from the one i usually play on but i always thought there were quite many unneccesary heroes that no1 ever used. Also it always ended with mass battles in the end instead of actual micro and mines were way OP in the first 10 rounds :P
2009, 04, 09 12:13
You are describing TMA Wired, which is what Evets-x17 once called "Team Macro Arena". TMA x17 is an elegant game that allows for great use of strategy - but also tests reflexes, team work, your ability to think on your feet, etc. At top levels of play the competition is very intense. But it could be so much better... :)

Does anyone here like money? I can pay up front if you are worried about that - but we will start very small. I'll pay $10 / hr - which is a decent wage for something you do for fun, I'd say.

I would do it myself but I've tried and failed. I spent an hour or two once messing around and it didn't work. It looked hideous. I can tell you exactly what has to be done, and then you go and do it.

So what are you waiting for? Message me! :P
2009, 04, 09 21:39
page: 1


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