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creepcolony/khaydarin combo
page: 1
In the editor: firstly you put a colony, secondly the cristal.

Ingame: the colony will appear above the cristal, and you will be able to destroy the colony, and there is creep all around the cristal.

In the editor: firstly you put the cristal, secondly the colony.

Ingame: the cristal will be above the colony, and there won't be creep because the cristal blocks it. But you can't destroy the colony.

Now let's make a mix of the two previous options
In the editor: you put building in this order, sunken/cristal/cristal/sunken

Ingame: the first colony will appear above the other buildings, it will make the creep(destructible colony)

HOWEVER, if you destroy this colony, the undestructible colony, will still make the creep

So with this feature, you can make islands where only zerg can build or just zergonly expos.
Maybe it will balance island maps more...
modified by ProTosS4EveR
2009, 07, 14 12:37
Or I take a Tank/Lurker/Archon (Reaver cannot hit colony under crystal, but you could also use it if you have a zealot next to the crystal to shoot at, I think...) and get rid of both colonies simultaneously.
2009, 07, 15 00:50
you can't shoot with tank, not enough splash damage.
and why the hell would you destroy it with a lurker? :o
2009, 07, 15 01:13
100% splash is enough...
And the surplus power of 70 damage should ensure that the last hit definitely kills boths colonies...
Possible solution: place sunken, crystal, spore/crepp colony.
Trivial, isn't it.
modified by Freakling
2009, 07, 15 01:44
oh never noticed that spore has more hp than sunken, good job.
2009, 07, 15 12:15
Why can't you just use the second option instead of combining the two?
2009, 07, 16 08:48
second option doesn't have creep
2009, 07, 16 09:57
Because the creep is blocked from spreading then.

There are other solutions, however. One could place anothe colony beside it and maybe even placing the colony a tile or so higher (i.e. into north direction) might work.
2009, 07, 16 09:59
but you could see the sunken and attack it
2009, 07, 16 10:00
spore has 1 more armour than sunk too
2009, 07, 16 11:03
I dunno, seems too powerful to me using the crystal, I have a hard time imagining some concept using this that isn't zerg favoured. Perhaps using a neutral other than the crystal, or simply using stacked creeps/sunks/spores w/e could create a similar but more balanced effect.
2009, 07, 16 11:05
You could also use option 1. That would require Zerg to build a hatchery there, but after that noone else could use that expo... (I know, that is just an extreme example of horribly bad gameplay and one sided matchups... But well, this whole thread is about gathering creative but otherwise pretty useless ideas, I think).
2009, 07, 16 15:31
oh I didn't think of that, I like that kind of.
2009, 07, 17 01:52
offensive proxy hatch ftw
2009, 07, 17 01:52
holy shit I love it!
2009, 07, 17 01:53
mmm, yeah so you don't see if the creep is from the colony or from the hatch ^^
2009, 07, 17 12:09
"So with this feature, you can make islands where only zerg can build or just zergonly expos.
Maybe it will balance island maps more... "

Interesting but I think the Crystal/Sunk combination would be too zerg favoring. It is enough to place a neutral sunk, that way terran/protos has to destroy it before they can expand to other islands. You can do this or you can place the nat in the starting location and block it with a sprite mine like the map mirage-2, or you can do a combination of both.

I think with the current knowledge of sprite tricks a balanced island map for zerg is possible and should be introduced and played in pro-leagues.

Bring back the good old days of "Dire Straights"!
2009, 07, 19 00:36
page: 1


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