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CrystalDrag I thought I would pitch the idea of "Reverse Fighting Spirit" to you. I talked to Iccup head admin S0ldi3r and he said it would be a good map to add to the mappack because so many people ask for Fighting Spirit every week.

I hope I can convince you to do this because Reverse LT was a very popular map back in the WGTour/PGTour days.
2013, 12, 02 18:32
K. Once i have free time. Im lacking in innovating map layouts currently anyway..
2013, 12, 03 00:19
2013, 12, 03 07:31
Well, you certainly finished that ridiculously fast...
2013, 12, 03 08:35
It was either mapping or doing a stats project. :P
2013, 12, 03 14:43
I would have made the same choice lol.
2013, 12, 03 23:31
Shade(r), you can go present S0ldi3r \"Nature Wing\" now. It is done for the most part.

But let me know first before he does any action, as there will be couple more minor updates
modified by CrystalDrag
2013, 12, 04 04:31
Messaged him as you requested.

From a B rank 2v2 perspective:

Map will encourage Bunker/Cannon contains, encourage being more aggresive, and encourage expanding faster for ZZ TZ and PZ.

Any map that has low ground main is a little bit a ZZ map because its harder to defend 1base for TZ and PZ vs ZZ. But this only matters for A++ vs A++. Because it is like 5% disadvantage for average user.
2013, 12, 04 06:06
You could discuess that in the map page haha.
Isnt that generally true for all low main->high natural?
2013, 12, 04 14:48
I think low-main-high-nat maps do generally just not work well for 2v2, for exactly the mentioned reasons. One base play is prevalent in 2v2 and Zerg is already at an advantage and an upwards ramp makes early agression (mostly from Zerg) just so much stronger/harder to defend when staying on low eco one base play (in 1v1 play T/P usually solve the problem by going eco heavy FE and defending their nat instead).

by the way, Crystal, if you are in short supply of original map ideas, I have always a whole stockpile of them, maybe we can work something out ;D
modified by Freakling
2013, 12, 04 19:04
There are already many low ground mainbase maps in iccup's map pack.
2013, 12, 04 21:41
Kk yay for more ideas :p

But notice for iccup 2v2 always is fs and python hahaha
2013, 12, 04 22:17
All the 2v2 maps so far are High Ground main exactly for the reason that 1 base play is necessary in order to have units...
Also NegativeZero, everything you do is a "Statz" project
2013, 12, 05 03:10
shade, any word from soldier?
2013, 12, 05 14:46
You know what you should do? Reverse Jade :P
2013, 12, 05 21:33
Yesterday I sent him a link of the picture, but today I sent the download link and I asked him what he thought of it.

I will write here his response. It is not unusal for him to take 1-3 days to respond.
2013, 12, 05 22:27
AleXoundOS keeps bugging me about a vertical Destination, maybe you can try that ;P
2013, 12, 06 23:26
The name sounds familiar who is he? Also what'd be the point of a 2 player map rotated 90 degrees?
2013, 12, 07 04:33
A rotated destination would be a very bad idea... The bridges would be so awkward.
2013, 12, 07 07:21
@traceurling: One of the guys helping with SBWI TL. Not sure if he is an SBWI member.

@Crystal: Tell him that... He thinks it's a great idea... I think it would probably be quite nice, if done right, which means changing the overall concept quite significantly, for exactly the reason you stated.
modified by Freakling
2013, 12, 07 14:02
I still don't get what's different about the map...does it just look better or is there an actual change?
2013, 12, 07 20:39
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