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Need your maps
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Lis, SP, Travin and others.
I want to use some of your maps in tournament named "Russian Star Cup" which becomes very popular after 1st season has finished. I will suggest your maps for the next season of it, because as this cup's mapmaker, I should make suggstions about maps. I think it will be great step for community.
This tournament is something like korean league for russians, a lot of good gamers participate in it.
Maybe you heard about them, they are from different teams like [TmG], mYm, iG, 3D, S2, (I hope you've heard this names ^^ Lol sure you've heard, why am I asking :) ). But there is and a big number of common players. Tournament is weekly, and held on saturdays, the number of participants is 32 for 1st division and up to 256 for the second. Dunno how about replays in 2nd league, but 1st league's reps are usually available on our website.
I need your answer for my question about suggesting your maps for the cup. I think that some maps have awesome chances to become official maps. oO
[7x]SpitFire. Thank you :)
2005, 10, 27 09:40
Of course, i already try to implement our maps to other leagues as well. In my case, feel free to do so, you can even change the map or make an obs version to make it fit.

And i'm going to finish my MD map also, wait for it, it's gorgeous :P ^^ when do you have to present the mappack?
2005, 10, 27 10:51
nice spitfire.. but i hope u know that a mappack full of usermaps will provoke anger
just try to make a mappack consisting popular known ones and additionally max 2 usermaps

and if u take usermaps.. take some, which are simple in layout.. so ppl dont have to play them often to know them

my favorite is "Arena", its very nice and simple... your players gonna love it ;)
2005, 10, 27 11:10
Sure there also will be pro-maps :) But organisators also want to have some usermaps in the mappack.
2005, 10, 27 11:24
XuuL is right, take pretty basic maps for user maps, götterdämmerung would get too much hate probably T_T;
2005, 10, 27 12:53
Im all into Vega atm. I loved that map when i made it and i think the redesign is awesome. Arena is cool, but Vega has more strategical possibillities with the bridges.
2005, 10, 27 13:14
I throw my (4)Origo_Hills into combat. Map ID = 616.
Obs version is no problem to create.
2005, 10, 27 14:05
Vega is #161
Arena is #428
2005, 10, 27 17:25
Gogo (2)Twisted Temple (id #100)
2005, 10, 27 23:27
(4)Citadel of Adun
(4)Kingdom of Aragua
(4)Kaiber 1.3

(2)Amber 1.0
(2)Unholy Gods II
(2)Goddess of Day 2.2

These are my "favourites" by now, and these maps are the ones i usually send as a sugguested mappack to pick maps from. Just my two cent after all are worshipping their maps ^^

btw, i doubt that Spitfire hasn't looked through the DB already ;)
2005, 10, 28 00:58
Actually these aren't my favourites, but, as said, the ones i sugguest for league playing.
2005, 10, 28 00:59
Spitfire, if you're still there, check out my newest map (4)Temple of Eden. ^^
2005, 10, 29 20:31
Actually I showed them:
(2)Goddes of Day
(4)Citadel of Adun
(4)Kingdom of Aragua
I'm just waiting for a reply now.
i want to show them 20-30 more maps, so the next day I'm going to show them Listoric's favourites, excluding which I have already shown.
I'll check this map, Lis.
Btw, the second season is going to begin after the Christmas, so there isn't lack of time :)
But I hope that only 3-4 maps could become the tournaments maps o_O. Organisators said that they prefer to pick korean maps o_O, but I think that as a man, who compiles mappack, can take decision by myself. o_O

2005, 10, 30 13:24
You will use Nightlight. Nightlight version 1.2.

You will. I know you will. You will, right? That's what I thought.

Thanks. ^_^
2005, 10, 30 18:13
page: 1


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