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any ideas? i thik they wanna revive Map of the Month on SCL too :) discuss!
2005, 12, 08 12:31
Ready? Set... GO!


We are all gonna help with whatever is needed!
2005, 12, 08 12:41
Panschk, what is your last name? answer quick :)
2005, 12, 08 12:55


2005, 12, 08 13:12
provided he doesn't lie in his ICQ settings^^
2005, 12, 08 13:14
müller or mueller? spelling?
2005, 12, 08 13:40
Müller - typical German name. But since most alphabets don't have the "ü" (u with two floating dots) ue is used in international regi.
2005, 12, 08 14:11
I tought he don't have an ICQ... Give it! :D
2005, 12, 08 14:22
he's just never online^^
but I once searched for "panschk" which delivered only one entry, with the first name being "paul" (and I know that he was paul) and the "homepage" being ;)
2005, 12, 08 14:52
I'm unique. If anyone else calls him(her)self panschk, I will sue him to pay 100 Millions dollars:)

Yeah I have ICQ, with exactly 2 people in my list and last use in october or something :O
2005, 12, 08 21:26
Nice thing. we should be active everywhere. Also this requires that we keep up professional work. And we have enough people to post everywhere.

The more popular we are, the better our testings and choices have to be. Especially MotW after this is our most important and looked at part.
2005, 12, 08 21:46
Hehe, NOW is important!

My advice ~ accept. Take all the offers you guys get, push you site into the light like it deserves.

As for, we have your back covered.

Btw way, Redcloak is trustworthy and a great guy. His heart is in Starcraft, this I can claim without a doubt.
2005, 12, 09 08:10
I respect your attitude, entropy. very noble.
2005, 12, 09 13:09

I'm new here! Lawsuit?
2005, 12, 09 16:13
It's a race between bwmn and google to take over the world.

2005, 12, 09 20:44
The question is more who actually talks to them. I still don't want to invest too much time into it and am not really easy to catch as I don't like using messager programs. Does SP still have contact?
2005, 12, 09 23:17
Redcloack is a 1com member.Just get his ingor there. He hardly every use chat programs.
2005, 12, 13 05:57
Redcloack is a 1com member. Just get his info there. He hardly every use chat programs - but he will for special occasions.
2005, 12, 15 03:31
Redcloack is a 1com member. Just get his info there. He hardly every use chat programs - but he will for special occasions.

Grr... third time is the winner!
2005, 12, 15 03:32
ok I wrote him an e-mail :]
2005, 12, 15 07:45
page: 1


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