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New Concept?
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I was browsing through all my maps uploaded here. And I saw my Installation bloodbath.

I was thinking now that we have the abilities to make upward ramps,larger bridges, neutral buildings, etc. We could make installation maps with 'black holes'.

There is only 1 buildable tile (that I know of) for Installation. So the maps would only need be designed regarding PvT, TvT, and PvP balance.

You see the reason why installation isn't a melee terrain is because there is no ooze tiles for zerg creep. If you place ooze tiles (or zerg structures that create ooze) you get a black hole. I can't remember exactly but I think they slide or skate across the hole, don't spawn.

The 'black holes' could be incorporated into a map like spells on maps etc.

It would be cool to maybe make some other maps like Lost temple installation etc.

What do you guys think about this?

I've been playing around as terran on the map and So far I've noticed there to be some sort of invisible command making them get stuck in certain corners of the hole and just spin around like idiots. So far I've:

-Gotten a few scvs to mine the minerals which they do from long ranged at times. If they dont get stuck. It seems random, 1 scv made 3 trips before he finally got stuck.

-It was hard but I got a vulture to lay a mine in the hole and on a mineral inside the hole.

-Tanks can siege in the hole, when unsieged they go back to spin-mode.

- Units can be issued attack but they do it randomly while spinning around.

-You can lift them away with a dropship but you can't drop them down.

-You can give them commands but for the most part they don't follow them.

-You can run across the black hole almost 100% of the time but if you stop anywhere or order a new command they often get stuck.

-medics will heal when on hold position.

-I got a ghost to nuke in it after a delay of the command due to spinning.

-When the hatch died all the 'black hole' ooze receded.

I could see this being used on a map as a sort of no man's land risk taking spot for a semi island map. Unit disabler zone, almost like spells on map.

Let me know if you find any other traits for the hole.
modified by SpoR
modified by SpoR
2007, 02, 19 00:59
Imo you can do that for fun, but not in a melee map.
2007, 02, 19 18:07
man these forums sure are inactive.
2007, 02, 28 22:11
hm... with so many bugs i dont think that this is a good idea for normal gameplay
2007, 02, 28 22:29
"man these forums sure are inactive."

we are a pretty small community t.t

As for the concept, its an interesting idea but it will never be solid :/
2007, 02, 28 23:26
yeah its very weird, but really fresh. supposing its long and though work, i dont really think it will surely be worth it :S
although if you do this, great :)
2007, 03, 05 19:26
"We could make installation maps with 'black holes" OH BOY
"So the maps would only need be designed regarding PvT, TvT, and PvP balance" fuck, while we're at it let's ignore balance altogether! oh wait, we already do!

and just lol at your observations, GL WITH THAT
2007, 03, 09 04:53
page: 1


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