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another idea :>
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so what about placing a mineral field on a geysier :D
the mineral field should still be able to be mined, but the geysier an only be used when those mineral field is completly mined.
so with this u can make a min-only to an gas expo after some time :D
might bring some interesting features, because zerg mine minerals far less fast than t/p, but gas IS the most important thing for z :D
or u can use low-value minerals on the geysier (f.e. on the gas in the main) so the tech will be slowed down a bit (or a lot, however^^)
2007, 08, 04 15:41
hm, did u test it?
2007, 08, 04 15:58
what exactly should i test?
u can stack them both, and u cant build over minerals T_T
2007, 08, 04 16:07
"the mineral field should still be able to be mined, but the geysier an only be used when those mineral field is completly mined."

because of the 'should' I thought u didn test it, and its only a theory, that u can make geysier, when there is a mineral-patch.
2007, 08, 04 19:17
i said u CANT place a assimilator,raffinery or an exctractor above a geysier with mineralpatch on it -.-
2007, 08, 04 21:43
Well, you can't build on geysirs either, but when it's a refinery, you suddenly can. It could be that you can always build on a geysir no matter what else is stacked on it. But I guess you are right ;)

Well, there have been a few maps where the geysir was boxed in behind a bunch of minerals, but those were not stacked on it. So your idea simply allows to place the CC/Nex/Hatch at a normal distance to the gas, and no walls on the other side of the geysir are required. Apart from that, the idea is not really new.
2007, 08, 04 22:32

here, I made a lil map, where u have the mineralfield on geysier. I have uplaoded some rep aswell, and it shows, as Protoss, u can build an assimilator on both geysirs.
2007, 08, 05 04:24
page: 1


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