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Water Skying!
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How many of you have always wanted to fast expo on an island map? Hey, no problem, just place some null tiles next to the water and presto!

Check the picture of my SCV water skying!

Wow, ideas with this null tile stuff are really coming very fast! I am working on a map with this concept now.

But a word of caution, its not that easy. As far as I have been able to figure out, you can't just direct your worker out into the water because it becomes uncontrollable, you have to click on the destination. Also, it can't be very far away, say on the other end of a 128 x 128 map because the worker starts to behave erratically. However, by clicking on one island and then switching to another you can make your worker cover the distance. Zerg players that have early detection with overlords can click the destination more accurately than players with other races. Zerg can even water sky with their regular units produced in the hatchery in the null tiles! But again, is not that simple to move lots of units this way.
2007, 10, 29 00:48
I can honestly say I never have. Don't advertise your ideas on my mappage, mkay? :)
2007, 10, 29 03:33
Why do you have to be such an asshole?
Protip: there's no need to respond, it's a rhetorical question.
"don't advertise your ideas on my mappage" it's a fucking forum, you don't own your thread. Whole idea of a forum is for the spread of ideas, you're interested in using null terrain, he had an idea about it so he pointed it out.
modified by Nightmarjoo
2007, 10, 29 03:43
This null terrain stuff is weird. I think the water thing could be used for interesting bridge effects. I'm not sure of the benefits of using null terrain now, but you might convince me later :)
2007, 10, 29 03:44
Sheeeez, OK man, if you say so. I invisibled my post in the thread of your map. I just got excited about the idea and, like Nightmarjoo says, since you are the only other person around here appart from me interested in null tiles enough to make maps I wanted to point this out to you. I figured that you were more likely to read your map thread than this forum and hey, what the heck, posting in your map thread keeps it in the top ten, no? That's all.
modified by Lancet
2007, 10, 29 03:59
"it's a fucking forum, you don't own your thread."
Name one forum that encourages off-topic discussion?

IF you were doing it to inform me, it might be logical to assume I already know since I made a map where you run up a cliff (essentially you got the idea from me, and then told me about my own idea).

You guys need to cool it, I wasn't getting offensive ;P Just letting you know I didn't appreciate what you did (you know, it's sort of how you get people to stop doing things you don't want them to be doing). Why the fuck does everything have to turn into a flame war on this site? ;P Is it cause I got mad at Allstar that everyone's suddenly viewing me in a negative light? It was obviously exaggeration (you know, hyperbole for comic effect?) Honestly people, you don't need to take things to heart on a StarCraft web-site. No one mature is going to think less of you for anything you say about SC here (thought they might think less of you if you start attacking them personally and starting grudge wars ;)
2007, 10, 29 04:25
Didn't look like a joke to me, sorry =/ All I see is text.
2007, 10, 29 04:26
If you think a suggestion for a map could possibly be the 'stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard in my entire life,' you clearly haven't lived my life. I hear stupider shit than that at least daily. I was serious that I thought he should keep suggestions like that to something more timid, rather than saying it would make the map good (when anyone who's played the game more than a year, can clearly see that it would make it an epic fail, not to mention a boring map), but I wasn't serious that it made me want to quit SC.
2007, 10, 29 04:47
What are you talking about -.-
2007, 10, 29 05:02
"IF you were doing it to inform me, it might be logical to assume I already know since I made a map where you run up a cliff (essentially you got the idea from me, and then told me about my own idea)."

We BOTH got the idea from mapghost. I give YOU credit for the idea of using nul tiles to send units into low or high ground and I accept that got me thinking about other possible uses. But units CAN transit low and high ground. However, to get a unit across water? No that's my idea and I wanted to present it here for others like you to use but I commented about it on your map thread and maybe that was a mistake, sorry.

But really, I don't get it, I thought your reaction would be something like "wow, that's so cool, let's make maps with this". You seem to be among some of the people here appart from me (always soooooooooooo modest) that understand innovation.

2007, 10, 29 17:55
Nightmarjoo, he was referring to his exchange with Allstar4 in the map thread of "Out of the Void".
2007, 10, 29 18:00
page: 1


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