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I need your emails and nationalities!
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Hey guys, I have been trying to contact some of you for a while, Im Kantu, sc2 mapmaker, Im in contact with Blizz Community Managers, and they want your contact information because they are making a Community Figures list of people!

This is important, so please try to answer asap (there might be small gifts involved)

So yeah, please post your contact info (email+nationality) in this thread or message me in TL, Twitter or Email.

kantuva [at] gmail (dot) com


Also, Blizz is specifically searching for some old mapmakers:


If you guys have got any contact info about them, can you give me a heads up?

Also, be sure to share this thread/message with other mapmakers, dont assume that they will "see it eventually".

And to finish, we have got a small discord channel where SC2 Mapmakers hang out, couple "ex" BW mappers are around aswell Negative0, Superouman, etc

2018, 04, 03 20:28
Yoshi_da_Sniper, DevliN, Roy, nesta-kun, Agnes → Don't even know who any of these people are, never heard of them and no maps in the BWMN database are attributed to either of them, so this is probably not the right place to try and reach them.

As for Panschk, since it is he who is hosting BWMN, if you want to get in contact with him the best way is to just send him a message to the address in the Impressum on
As for Testbug, Starparty and Nightmarjoo, they have been showing up on BWMN every once in a while, probably only a matter of months till they get back to you ;P Sorry, I don't have any personal contact info for any of them.
I don't think I have seen any sign of trcc for years.
modified by Freakling
2018, 04, 07 18:48
Nightmarjoo had an account on Teamliquid, you could leave something in his inbox.

Not sure about the rest of them
2018, 04, 13 01:37
whats up?

2018, 04, 23 20:14
Blizzard wanted to send you a gift
2018, 04, 23 20:24
I like gifts o/
2018, 04, 23 20:30
props on that response time. there used to be a time when i updated this board once every 3 minutes :)
modified by starparty
2018, 04, 23 20:31
Lol yeah how times have changed
2018, 04, 26 01:19
Got an TL message from "BlizzXordiah", not sure if this is what it is for?

Did message on TL to ya Kantuva.

Nice ta see everyone
2018, 04, 29 06:37
Hey Freakling, only took me a month to come by this time!
2018, 05, 04 07:02
I think i have trcc's skype but logging into skype is such a pain in the ass
2018, 05, 04 12:20
Im being told im getting a delivery now, hehe

Talked to a blizzard community manager the other day (y)

modified by starparty
2018, 05, 11 14:47
That's cool. This guy never got back to me after I pm'd him on TL.
2018, 05, 11 16:30
i got my token today actually :) Its pretty neat with a official blizzard diploma haha ^_^
2018, 05, 21 22:21

modified by starparty
2018, 05, 21 22:23
Cool; congrats!
2018, 05, 22 10:15
2018, 06, 02 05:32
I would be down to get a gift my email is and my nationality is USA/ American
2018, 06, 02 20:46
Hey guys! I guess I'm a bit late to the party eh? Hahah!

2021, 09, 16 22:30
2021, 09, 17 03:54
page: 1


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