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o relate to my previous post, and the enitre thread of the ggl americup maps on where bill whines about not using usermaps cause noone wants them and it takes too much time to learn, no balance bla bla bla. What do i read today???
TWO of his OWN maps which DIDNT win blizzcon is going to be used??? THis is fucking hillarious

"5. 7 maps will be used this season, and they are: Neo Guillotine, Neo Requiem, Gaia, Neo Forbidden Zone, Incubus, Enmity, Blue Valleys"

Someone really needs to put him in place because people like him makes players loose their trust in our community.
2005, 11, 05 11:26
2005, 11, 05 11:34
Sry, Bill307 sux :(
2005, 11, 05 13:20
I don't get it, those aren't even good maps
2005, 11, 05 13:36
2005, 11, 05 16:10
Sp, imo you should calm down, and be object, because you are admin and everyone like and believe you. :)
2005, 11, 05 16:20
Well, i can understand him, aftter Bill seems to be a bit awkward sometimes.

Anyway, i dropped a comment on the GGL AC newspost, maybe it helps. I tried to be fair and calm. Doesn't help if you offend him in any way.
2005, 11, 05 16:23 really sux. th worst page ever designed. who the hell tested that site for public use???
2005, 11, 05 17:45
lol :]

i agree to SP.. the usability of GGL´s website totaly sux and bills influence to several mappacks is more than ridiculous since he never made a map which achieves the quality of lots of usermaps published on

enmitiy is sth like the most boring map in this database and blue valleys is just a bad joke
2005, 11, 05 20:11
Lol, I agree with SP. Bill obviously considers himself as only one mapmaker in europe. This I can say right from his behavior towards the whole community. Even if his maps will be good, it is so mean to have an opportunity to pick usermaps and pick maps of himself.... Hate him, really. :$
2005, 11, 05 21:15
but well, calm down all. comments like that, posted on this very site makes you behaving and being the same as he does. I don't want to compare you to him, and I must admit I don't know much about him or his activties, but backbiting here on this platform will let the page appear in a bad light.
We don't want to make the appearance we'd envy him or just begrudge him anything in any way. this is not true, we know about our skills and the database does its own for that. If bill himself doesn't want to acknowlegde this, it's his own fault and problem. So don't give free rein to your ire. It's useless.

do like listoric and try to be constructive, but don't talk until you are blue in the face in this thread, because anger and agitation is never doing any good. Nor will people connected/somehow related/known to/with take us ever seriously when reading such subjective comments full of hatred.

If he is not fair and behaves antisocial, it's up to us to answer this cool and deliberated, with arguments and seriousness, not with emotional rearing up. Doing the 2nd thing, we'll just be on a level like his. Doing the first thing, on the other hand, gives us the reliability we hopefully stand for.
2005, 11, 05 21:32
Yes i know, but you have to release the angre somewhere too...
2005, 11, 06 00:49
page: 1


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