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recommended-maps: garantuee a certain level. for sure and stuff :D
page: 1
textwell, another idea...
what if every rec-map has to have at least 3 replays? so we can make sure that the map IN GAMEPLAY isn't fucked up...although we can't say it's definetly recommended/good/balanced/etc we can at least make sure that it is suitable and playable, which can't be told by the image alone.
So we could provide a slightly better backing on those maps.

I know that this will take time to play...but if we start playing those from time to time, we'll easily do this. in addition, those maps _get_played_ which will help a lot because playing on maps of different auhtor can give you hell inspiration. and well, those map get played! this is what the site is about.
and it offers an incentive to visitors to download this map when they see there have been games played on it, so others play this map as well.
2005, 11, 05 12:26
yea i agree. Hopefully we will at some level begin to create fewer maps and correct them to a 100% degree instead. As for now we make shotguneffect. We create 100s of maps and hopefully 2-3 hits the right spot :P

we should try to encourage makers to focus more on their maps instead of massproducing with no caring.
2005, 11, 05 12:51
@floatfreak this is what i was trying to say many times now. That we have to play the maps too, not only look at the prety jpg. So you can all se i do my best. I don't play only mine maps. I play the maps that i like, even if i don't have a single comment on it. But i don't have time for comments, playing, map making, etc, etc...

So i can help a lot for this, i have my ways to play on those maps :) . And i can help more if you point me the maps that you need to test most. But there is something that i don't like. If some of you watch the replays on (2)Theoreme and say that this map is not playbale, is not fun, is not balanced, and if not even close to a rec. map. Well this isn't fair i guess. I've never imagine that this map would give so much, and that there would be so good games on it. If you start watching the replays on it you will see better, and better games. I would like to see other people play the map too, to watch their styles of playing and how this will effect the map. You know what i am talking about...

P.S. And that is not the only map that is playbale of mine... But i won't talk anymore about that, i am waiting for someone to notice that, by replays, or something i don't care...
2005, 11, 05 15:34
Well, it is a goal, but imo it is a bit hard to say every recommended map should at least have 3 games. Remember recommended maps is the "award" that is supposed to be easiest to get, after MOTW and BWMN-mappack. We don't have unlimited time for playing neither.

Still I encourage all to play a lot of user maps, but as I said, I would not like making it a nessesarity for rec-maps.
2005, 11, 05 20:41
It's hard to find an opponent ready to play on usermaps... Only my friend [7x]cA helps me a lot with testing maps.
2005, 11, 05 21:17
I thought that the recommended maps were supposed to make those maps get more play time.

It's not like once the maps are put in the reccomended section they are set there in stone, I think that after being there they should be played more often by those who play user-created maps.

If a reccomended map stops getting played very often, or it is found to be not very fun or balanced, then it should be taken off the list.
2005, 11, 06 18:05
i agree
2005, 11, 06 18:47
Very good post Aiurz. That's how I think too.
2005, 11, 07 09:30
page: 1


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