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BWCL mappack
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As Satyr[FP] is headadmin off BWCL, we could discuss the mappack in our private FP-board^_^;

But of course, we want all those people with knowledge help us finding a solution. It looks like having no more and no less than 2 maps from our community is consensus. (does this word even exist? It sounds good though)

Public thread on maps for next season(german):

I would like if we had one very standard map (Arena for example), and one that is a bit more "experimental". Just my personal opinion though.

So it looks like we can chose "our" 2 maps pretty freely, but we should consider the player's whishes of course.
2006, 01, 20 18:09
i think arena is good because it's known from PGT, so we don't shock players too much. in addition, if they really take out LT (which many demanded), arena would become quite popular i think.
as second map, I'd suggest a 1on1-map.
2006, 01, 20 18:13
2 maps are good.
Arena and Memory Cell really looks good to me as a tourney maps.
2006, 01, 20 18:18
but yes, a 1on1 map would be great also
2006, 01, 20 18:18
taking memory cell would have another advantage: the users know it form the 1st MOTW-post. it would be quite accepted I think cuz there were many good comments, and there was really noone saying "imba" XD
2006, 01, 20 18:21
if it plays as great as it looks, old town would be nice too. I do not know if it does though, I heard some negative comments on gameplay in comments.
2006, 01, 20 18:23
star gates?
2006, 01, 20 18:23
well, I think taking a map with too much emphasis on neutral buildings is not a good choice...
there is not enough experience in gaming with those, so we cannot garantuee the balance.
2006, 01, 20 18:24
it's a good map, but I think we should take the 2nd map as one with something "special" about it, extraordinary that pushes people to play it when having mapchoice
SG is too basic for that
2006, 01, 20 18:26
i am currently looking through a few maps

warning, biased proposals:
outlaw anthem (would have nominated Chaos factor, but it just seems imbalanced somehow, though I cannot point it out)
unholy gods II
temple of eden (would maybe push them to exclude LT and taking this one instead. same goes for the players I think, we would get lots of cool games, and the double-isle is one special and damn nice thing)
2006, 01, 20 18:36
2006, 01, 20 18:46
Sleeping Sun - never saw a 2player Air map in a mappack.

Temple of Eden.
2006, 01, 20 18:53
Space Pirates by StarParty?
2006, 01, 21 21:48
Or Signal by trcc?
2006, 01, 21 21:52
2 maps: arena/space pirates

unless ride of valks is in this map pack, in which case you could add gotterdammerung or star gates
2006, 01, 21 22:38
well I think we can agree on Arena.

S ignal could be a nice choice. Actually this is my favorite suggestion right now. signal+arena
2006, 01, 22 03:57
Ok, Arena is set. It's wante on as well as it is here. So we don't have to discuss it anymore.

I just sum up every mentioned map by now:

Old Town
Space Pirates
Star Gates
Sleeping Sun
Outlaw Anthem
Unholy Gods II
Temple of Eden
Memory Cell

• My thoughts:

Old Town - well, no, nice idea, but to less testing, there are better maps imo.
Signal - good but not overwhelming for my taste.
Space Pirates - good but not as good as...
Star Gates - in my eyes. its simple and more promising than SP imo. Also i like the setup more than both on one side. (personal preference)
Sleeping Sun - Good but Amistad would be the better airmap in comparison, still both are not likely to be played anyway. Airmaps are just not overwhelming.
Götterdämmerung - nice, but the first expansion layout may be to complex for "the standard user" to understand (even if it's quite clear what to do...)
Outlaw Anthem - nice but not my taste, SP, SG Gött are better in comparison imo.
Unholy Gods II - Nice but not sure about balancing.
Ebullition - also simple but interesting, still i see the entrance as T favouring, but that's just my taste (as stated in the comments to the map i think)

Temple of Eden - Memory Cell - both 4 player maps. I prefer MC over ToE in competitive play somehow, still i love ToE as it is my best map so far. Both really good maps, but as Arena is picked already, a 2 player map may be the better choice.

2006, 01, 22 06:02
In that case, Arena + Space Pirates is my decision.
2006, 01, 22 07:55
lis, i made a "competition" down there
2006, 01, 22 11:00
my thread in bwcl board

So no everything you can do is vote. I hope my list is not too bad (Starparty with no map in it because he already has "his" map and I needed to keep it short :O)
2006, 01, 25 17:20
Will you go with Arena 1.1 in BWCL?
2006, 01, 25 17:25
page: 1 2


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