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I don't really see the point in showing the total amount of points a map has, since the more times it is rated the more points it will get. Maybe you can show all the ratings each person gives( say, Bob gave a map 6 points and Joe gave it a 5, you would show a 6 and a 5 where the total would go), like how they do it at BattleReports(, even though the site is for replays.
2005, 07, 24 10:20
we are still trying to convince pancshk to change the system entirely to a thumsb up/down system instead :P panschk is the only one stubbornly holding on to the rating system. Most people take the ratings more seriously than they were intended, therefore we should have a system that is more accurate than the one we have now. No map deserves a 0.
2005, 07, 24 11:09
damn ignore it if you don't like it. I won't change it to a system that says nothing just because some people are offended by the grades they get.

Recoring everyones rating would a) be much more difficult to programm (You would have to enter your name every time, too) and b) don't make any sense. If you want to tell the world which rating a map deserves, write it in the comments.
The total number is pretty redundant, you could get it with [number of votes]*[average rating], but it does no harm, so it can just as well stay there.
2005, 07, 24 12:51
well the system right now definitelly says nothing since some people would rate a map 0 because it simply doesn't happen to suit their taste. But from a universal point of view No map deserves a 0, as i just stated. with a "yes" or "no" system, a single "no" would not totally destroy the rating. But as it is now, a 0 changes the value 10 to a 5. That is a big step. If there were 1000 visitors voting everyday, sure this system will work, and if we continue like we do, we will definitely be alot bigger, we both know that. Look at space pirates. it has been voted on several times, and now it begins to be getting a permanent value of 7,x, no matter what you vote.

I know i just argumented myself in a dead end :P But the point is simply that the system -will- work, but not at the moment :P And since it is technically difficult its as easy decision as that - it will remain as it is. couldn't you just have said that from the beginning? :P Noone here would demand anything from you if you weren't willing to do it anyway <3
2005, 07, 24 16:03

Well, I'm an ass:D

btw I will be in Paris the next few days, I hope I get my parents computer to work, so that I can be online, but I'm not sure.
2005, 07, 24 22:10
2005, 07, 25 14:14
2005, 07, 25 14:14
page: 1


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