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on this site you guys could collaborate more. i think a map these days should be a project of a group. meaning you start out discussing what kind of map needs to be made, what its balance should be, what features it should have, then you guys work together to make it fair, then decorate it...

why isn't this kind of thing done, instead we have an overabundance of maps that probably will never be finished. as a community, we should focus on 1 effort at a time, from this day forward...
2006, 05, 23 01:34
in the database there are countless maps that could be a base for a project, except the author isn't continuing that map or doesn't even come here much anymore. this is a huge waste... it seems like we should consolidate our efforsts into 1 map at a time.
2006, 05, 23 01:35
they tried it once way back when, project DREAM or something?

didnt work out
2006, 05, 23 02:16
u cant expect to make it work out in the first try, but if u learn from each experience, eventually u are going strong, much better than the way we do things now...

the first time any of us made a map, it didn't work out either. so give it more than a few tries as a team.
2006, 05, 23 02:54
the point is that projects on this site should be of a limited number and of a collaberative nature.

why do so many maps lack feedback, lack progression?
--too much demand, not enough supply. so limit the demand. fewer projects

why do so many maps lack updates, lack progression?
--not enough people to update them. so increase collaberation, updates will be better.

for this site to produce more _viable maps_, we must limit the amount of projects and make these projects collaberative. in this topic i suggested 1 topic. but if some people just want to do things another way, we should be able to say "sure" and split the project into two different ones--if we can't agree on something, then we'll do it both ways. that's still better than each of us constantly making and updating our own endless supplies of forgotten maps.
2006, 05, 23 02:57
Sounds good, but one big problem is the different time zones we live in. It's going to be very hard for lets say someone from the United States to work out a good working time together with someone from Germany. It's possible, but it's going to be hard for many to find good times to work things out.
2006, 05, 23 03:01
no, that's why we have a site. ideally the site could be set up to facilitate this kind of work. we would never have to be on at the same time. right now, we comment on maps. but for a project, i think a project should have the ability to have multiple seperate discussions on it at the same time, and have multiple versions of it. also, discussions should be able to start before there even is a file...

and these projects should be the focus and should be extremely limited in number.
2006, 05, 23 05:13
it only works if everyone wants to do it. so i think a way to make people feel a part of a project is to make them have "permissions." you can invite people by giving them permissions--whoever is in charge of a project decides who can download, upload files to it, who can read, write comments. who can start new discussions, close discussions, edit them, participate in them, etc. for instance, you might want me to discuss, but you wouldn't want me to edit any files, since i havent made any maps here.
2006, 05, 23 05:16
working "together" on a map is harder than you think. the overall idea you mention isn't bad, but it isn't new either. the most striking experience from project "mutual dream" is that even working in pairs of 2 is hard. on gives a rough sketch or a fast execution, the other one is left with making minor details or decorating. so it is not really "working together". you can discuss things at the very beginning, but as soon as it comes to execution, it gets more and more the map of 1person.

mutual dream was organized like this:
pairs of two, every of them creating 1 map together. from all those maps, we pick the best and develop it. but the _real_ problem is that most of those maps didn't even need further developement; it would only spoil the map.
we have quite skilled people around here, remember that. most of them don't even submit a map if they think it is not yet done.

the only thing i could imagine is to take maps of less skilled mappers and boost them. this is exactly what SP's pimping or ShamantGarden is about, and this is fine to me.
2006, 05, 23 11:04
smart discussion of what kind of map could be made could lead to 2-3 different ideas, then assholes can go off and execute them on their own, if that's what we're stuck with. the executions could end up extremely different.
2006, 05, 23 13:16
But that is actually a very good thing dentist. Someone posts some interesting thoughts and ideas, and different people execute it differently. Thats great.
2006, 05, 24 00:02
page: 1


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