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I just don't like playing melee on it... too many Koreans, which hand my ass to me, not enough other people to play 1v1, and the delayed reaction of everything just throws me off. And I wish Blizzard would incorporate a matchup system like on WC3; that would make me a very happy person.

Just a rant, nothing more. I guess I'll just get my kicks from beating all my friends at this game... none of them are very good :/ (except for 1, but he doesnt play anymore :( that makes me a sad panda)
2006, 07, 02 04:26
which server do you play?

what does the war3 system like?
2006, 07, 02 10:39
War3 has a ranking system. The system is used to generate fair games with players in the same level or around the same level. That way level 1 will play only play level ones unless there arent enough ppl on the server to play that same game atm. its pretty simple and profficient.
2006, 07, 02 17:44
oh, i know a lot of people that hate that stuff.

if your getting your ass handed to you on Bnet...i dont know what to tell you lol
2006, 07, 02 18:03
Well only Koreans play 1v1 on Bnet, which is really unfortunate because I've beaten every American (or at least English speaking person) on Bnet I've met (on 1v1). I'm not saying that I'm really good, but Koreans are just so much better >.<

I play on West
2006, 07, 02 20:09
get yourself a training partner, for example a clanmate or a player in your national scene who plays as good as you or a bit better
modified by Antares
2006, 07, 02 21:10
In all honesty, I wish there was a way to disable chatting in game and out and people would know you had chat disabled --; Whiners + bm people in public servers are annoying and I wish to ignore them in-game and out.(Combining with the random vs player of the same level, could work out as an enjoyable experience :O)
2006, 07, 03 15:40
yes there is a way : /dnd
2006, 07, 03 18:53
Well, I joined a relatively active clan so now I am playing people at my level, and my love for SC has been restored :)

However, that stupid delay makes evading storm so much harder than it should be >_< my poor, poor lurks...

Thanks for the advice Antares
2006, 07, 03 20:23
Hey NoPantsRepublic, if you are still on West you can swing by and I'll game you sometime, my new account is RaceR.HeaT though, apparently lots of people didn't like HeaT and randomly added me to their /f list to spat stupid remarks.
2006, 08, 17 19:53
One tip for NoPants: If you really can't stand bnet delay, get Hamachi (recently a post on PGT).
2006, 08, 17 21:53
NastyMarine, you are right except for the current season :/

I'm playing warcraft.. level 9 solo.. and i must say the last 4 games i played were against level 28 level 21 level 18 and level 17..
2006, 08, 18 01:08
ya not alot of people play wc3 melee nowadays... last week I tried playing, the teams were this:

lvl 20
1v1 1 (me)

1v1 14
lvl 8

So... not good.

And I dled hamachi... so do i have to get my opponent to connect to the same server as me? anyways, thanks for the advice

Allstar: wow, that sucks. You should join clan TS (tainted souls), every1 there is nice and it has quite a few players on SC around the clock. My ign for that clan is ts-ultima-hum- but i dont want to pressure you
2006, 08, 20 07:08
I never used Hamachi, don't expect any further advice from me. I just read that it was virtually delay-free, and the video showed this pretty nicely.
2006, 08, 20 12:48
Stop whining, learn korean!
2006, 09, 10 18:20
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