i noticed, in almost every map, were there could be beautiful tar or not ugly high ground, there is a vast expanse of high to low to high again, and each section of high/low ground is so small, no ground units can fit, making it strategicaly useless. othher terrain, such as water and tar, are strategicaly useless, BUT LOOK FRICKING AWESOME! imho, the chunky terrain most of you use looks shi◇y. i mean, once in a while its ok, but all the time??? luna, monty hall, lt, (i think) gaia, and many many other pro maps dont have this annoying terrain. plz tell me why every1 uses it :/
well that may be taste, but I think it looks better than just a big lake of water. And you can not put water everywhere you want the space to be unusable, so sometimes you have no choice.
It's definetly more work and you have to be careful looking for tank-holes when using that high/low ground stuff though. modified by panschk[FP]