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To quote myself in the competition thread:

"Ugh, thoughts? I really don't like the idea of posting a work in progress as motm =/
And if I wait to post, history shows that it's highly probable that an accepted "final" version of Spinel won't be made for atleast 2 months subsequent to the motm's month ending ._.

Also, 3nim0 is highly likely to have imbalanced gameplay, but only a lack of testing keeps this from hurting the map.

And, Voices was liked in its current form so much it was remade from scratch, lol.

Feedback please!"
2008, 07, 08 11:00
post spinel valley, ez
2008, 07, 08 14:17
should voices ii go to motm7 or should crackling and me vote for voices AND voices ii turns into motm as the newest version of voices?
2008, 07, 08 23:19
I dunno.
2008, 07, 09 01:41
let's make voices ii take voice's place at motm6 as the edited version of the map, ot's the same thing but with no path issue.

so we can make new maps for motm7
(i failed to make my residence ii :( buy i may do a playable map with moon tear design ;)
moon tear II
2008, 07, 09 04:40
voices2 has pathing problems still
2008, 07, 09 07:51
You sure about that, Nightmarjoo? For the most common unit movements I doubt pathing will be a problem. Sure in some rare cases there definately are issues, but that really should not occur often.
2008, 07, 09 11:15
Everytime you scout clockwise you get pathing problems lol.
2008, 07, 10 01:38
oh, there is a path issue at 12 o'clock that appeared in the last version (this problem doesn't happens at 6 o'clock)

i can easyly correct that.
but maybe nightmarjoo is talking about units mooving from NE and SW to 12 and 6 multies.
thhis will be the only thing i won't be able to fix.

other than that, i have to make terran able to wall in with supply + barrax.
2008, 07, 10 05:54
MOTM6 Spinel is in the lead, but it's an unfinished and mostly untested map. As a normal basic beta map it's fine, as a motm, I dunno.

Crackling's Voices is rather bland, having nothing original in it, again, fine as a basic untested beta, but I dunno if it's motm quality. Then there's Testbug's Voices2, which has a little more flare than Crackling's if only a little, and maintains pathing issues which I wouldn't want in a motm.

Then of course there's 3nim0, which I'm fairly sure will play badly and have racial imbalances, not something I'd want to post as motm.

What are your guys' thoughts? I know Crackling/Nasty is fine with posted Spinel as is, but I'm not.

If someone else wants to post motm, go ahead, but I'm not posting anything until more testing is done. Spinel needs tvp testing, and probably some minor edits. Voices needs better pathing, general testing and probably minor edits. 3nim0 just needs testing in all mus, problem is that I doubt its author will modify the map if any fixable issues come up, but I'm fairly certain that any issues there are unfixable anyway.
2008, 07, 10 08:42
ur on crack
2008, 07, 10 09:24
The current version of spinel is as standard/funnest as your gonna get. How is it not worthy? It has all the votes it needs to win motm. Stop postponing motm posts and lets submit the contestants for next month. Spinel has no pathing problems any more and its been converted into a solid map. What is wrong with the map still?
modified by NastyMarine
2008, 07, 10 09:29
It's lacking the spirit of my concept!
2008, 07, 10 11:16
Can you read? It needs testing if nothing else.
2008, 07, 10 20:58
By the way, Nasty, did you exchange brown with green on Spinel? Brown is almost invisible on desert (minimap), especially buildings. That's the reason why Staredit actually replaces brown with green when you create a new desert map. Dunno why that wasn't the case in your version - either SCMD2 lacks this or you intentionally switched it back to green (I suppose it's SCMD2's fault).

Same goes for blue/twilight and white/ice.
2008, 07, 11 17:39
cant we rename MOTM to MOTMwwfli?

(map of the month, when we feel like it?)
2008, 07, 28 15:00

map of the month when testbug has redone all good maps
2008, 07, 28 15:22
I second that motion, Crackling.
2008, 07, 28 16:28

when mother fuckers stop licking testbug's nutz
2008, 07, 28 17:16
well, it look like i stole his map.
and i have also stolen his motm :(

but then, i may have also stolen cracklings map.
and remember that voices had more votes than spinel.
but when we realized that it had path issue, we changed out votes to spinel valley.

i started working on voices, and i probably win motm6 with that map (like flothefreak did with silverflush when the winner map was iron flush by testbug)

but since spinel valley was good too, and you said you don't care if i remake that map. i though you would be happy if i finish it, because you said you will stack where you are.

the map description says
original version: NastyMarine
Concept by: Spinesheath

but i can also write your name in the map thread :S
i think you dislike me now :( you used to be nice.
Now, i am also interested in your map "Battle Grounds" and i really want to know if it won't bother you ;_;

i edited voices and spinel not for the motm, but for the testing tournaments :S
2008, 07, 28 17:54
Nasty don't hold the fact that Testbug is really good at re-executing already made maps against him. You can hate me all you want, but Testbug doesn't deserve to be disliked :(

Also, I sent several of the better mappers on the site, including you Nasty a personal inquest that maps be made for the intention of trying to get them into TSL2, this means a lot of work into making a map good enough to even present them. Testbug has kept this in mind, it appears that no other mapper has. Apparently bwm's mappers no longer have the ambition in their eyes they did during pgt's reign, despite iccup being a very realistic target of ambition.

Testbug is not the only mapper skilled enough to make the map that gets into TSL2, but he apparently is the only ambitious mapper, and his maps, his resolve, and the work and time he puts into them demonstrates this ebulliently.
2008, 07, 28 19:01
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