Do you guys think that mains with different number of minerals could be balanced? Maybe one person has 2 gas in main, and the other player has in counter a really easy to take (backdoor?) nat with gas. Positional symmetry would be thrown out the window, as that would be needed to fine-tune the positional balance. Any thoughts? Impossible to balance?
nothing is in principle,impossible.the problem comes when u have to prove a theory in practice.
if u need an additional cc/hatch/nex than the other player to collect these minerals from the backdoor it's not balanced anymore;cause you will spend money for it.
let's say u don't need a other cc/hatch/nexus but a longer way from the resources to the cc/hatch/nexus like the other player - imba!
it would be imba also if because of the mentioned backdoor the main of this player will have a different quality.and in this case it will have a different quality - namely 2 entries.1 to the nat the other to the backdoor
Check out maps like Fantasy.
Basically you can't say that such maps are always imba, but you will need a gazillion of testgames to ensure even a basic balance.
you mention ashelen's fantasy and not that one from spitfire i guess,right?designwise there are indeed 4 dif. main-nat setups,but ludamad speculate precisely in his concept about dif. number of minerals from one main-nat to the other;also gas - dif.number of geysirs.just read again his first 3 lines.
if i understand you right you commenting only my last paragraph but you didn't consider the dif.resource value;fantasy doesn't have dif. portions of resources from main-nat to another main-nat
"nothing is in principle,impossible.the problem comes when u have to prove a theory in practice"
"Check out maps like Fantasy.
Basically you can't say that such maps are always imba, but you will need a gazillion of testgames to ensure even a basic balance"
Nightmarjoo: Sure you can leave it at that, but I'd still wanna hear ideas about how you can use this. What sort of thing would be worth two extra minerals in the main? Three more in the expansion? It still seems imbalanced if they are both playing two base...
Bring us more information and we can be more helpful, I think. You'd need to find out how many minerals an scv, probe, and drone (different speeds for all) mine per whatever amount of time. Bare in mind that differently placed minerals, in different formations with different races and building placement blocks all results in different mining speeds. So, find out how many minerals per minute or somehting adding a mineral block gives, and then think about how you want to counter X minerals by giving something to the other player.