| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (8)Forsaken : 2006, 04, 23 23:05
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 1199 | (8)Forsaken | 128*128 | king of 8 plr maps | 2.4 | final | | The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
king of 8 plr maps | | | Heres a crazy map, I took a long time making it back in 2005. This map is a great challenge to play, and is little on the unbalanced side on purpose, but favour adversity and is differant every game.
Beside this being too big, let me know what u guys think.
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Hard to find 8 players to play maps like this, But I mostly tested this with AI's, and I can say the AI on this map like crazy how they expand and mass on you, 4on4 can be challenging, but pros might want instead sharpen their skills for a fun 3on5 or something.
modified by king of 8 plr maps | EffectHypnotize | | | i really dont see anyone playing most of ur maps but this one looks cool. these maps are a bitch to play if ur used to balance but still playable. cool. | king of 8 plr maps | | | map starts you out with a close to base natural, rest is all neutral, expos.
This tileset i made every possible deco for badlands.
The map is favored by my friends we play this one alot, cause they want my hardest map to play, its big ass battle, even AI come to your base with 3,4 carriers its blast.
This most satisfying map for me to play for fun game, I like long games, and this one always hits home, also its got alot differant scenery all over the map.
modified by king of 8 plr maps | maximumdan | | | ya if i ever play with 8 people again i will use this. good job. | king of 8 plr maps | | | This first map i made that got 5 neutral mini bases you can get, scattered all over the map. | SynDromE | | | This map owns the hunters, great job man looks awsome! | NastyMarine | | | are u guys kidding?
this isnt made to flame but this map is far from playable..
1) too biggggggg in general
2) too big for a 2 entrances in a main... players wont have a chance 3v3 or 2v2 or 4v4
3) the map is verrrrrrrrrrry uneven concerning repitition/balance for all players
king of 8 player maps... u have made better maps modified by NastyMarine | king of 8 plr maps | | | theres people out there that like big maps like me, this is for them, look at comments, its eather I like it alot or I dont like this map.
Map plays great, 2 entrance not even a big deal cause map is big. you build defence depending where enamy is. Thats the dynamics of having 2 entraces + you have a retreat route with second entrance u can take one mini base you can goto by your allies.
Flanking is king with 2 exits from your base, try this map youl see what i mean.
You can't apply 4 player theory in a big 8 player map, their too differant types of maps, this map for fun game. I dont see people hating hunters even though thats the most unbalanced and fuked map that got baddest mineral placement in a map.
modified by king of 8 plr maps |
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