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Last update for (4)Tsimba : 2006, 07, 01 01:44
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1401 (4)Tsimba 128*128GRC-DeathLink0.8experimental

The map has been rated 53 times and got a total of 40 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

This map is kinda like my previous map "Gamoto", but better executed. Some comments please on the map cause I'd like to see what everyone thinks of the nat expos.
bridges as entrance to mainbase = no thx
naturals are blocking the paths
strange cliffs around nat are too powerful
giant distances between bases -> cutting every rush attempt#
gas issue
very small building space and too tight the natural's path terran ownz
i actually like it alot. it has a nice layout and its very unique.

bad things: the mains are very tight and it hurts the map alot.. ur going to have to open it up alot more.. i actually like those bridges at the mains, its just different. I cant say that it hurts or helps the map cuz it isnt used ever but it seems cool.

also the nat choke is tight too.. which makes it T ownage.. reshape the highplatform a bit and also condense the mineral lines ateach nat so it doesnt take so much space.. possibly even move it closer to the cliffs so all races can take advantage of it, not just T.

very cool map tho
About the mains being too tight: I tried to make them "Neo Forte" style but with a bit more room. The area between the main and nat at the edge of the map is supposed to be extra building area once Terran or Protoss secure their expo. Is it really bad to leave the mains that small?

I thought the choke at the nat might be a bit too tight, but I thought it would be ok since there is the "backdoor" path. I'll open that up a bit.

The bridge to the main I could also change if its that big of a problem, or make it narrow.

The distances from one main to another aren't that big, I haven't tested it yet so if anyone would like to please do so.

And please elaborate on the "powerful cliffs" thing, is it because they overlook the middle gas expo?

Please further explain what is wrong so I can deal with it accordingly. One sentence posts dont really help, so post what you think is a better idea. Thanks for the feedback.
modified by GRC-DeathLink
i meant exactly what nastymarine said, the choke to the natural is too tight to survive an early push with protoss

plus from the natural choke terran can hit the main buildings

but anyways it is a nice detailed map so keep it up, we need skilled mappers now more than ever ;)
The map has been updated. The new changes are:

- Main bases are much bigger
- The bridge is more narrow than before
- Natural choke is wider
- Cliffs above natural expansion have more room and can be used by all races

I think these changes improve the map alot. I'm also thinking about adding a ramp that leads from each players nat to the cliff above, so that the defender can access his own cliff.

Please some comments on the map and any ideas you may have. Thanks :)

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