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Last update for (2)BadtotheBone : 2006, 12, 07 21:28
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1614 (2)BadtotheBone 128*96KorvspaD2.5final

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Made this one a long time ago.
I like it very much
wow, nice map, I actually need to try it, GJ.
In-base nats are WAY too resembling of Dahlia's, but that's OK. I've told you before that I really like this map... I still haven't tried it yet though.

Probably could use a bit more decoration... meh.

This looks really nicely balanced too.

The left-middle expansion above red's main looks WAY more open than the right-middle expansion below blue's main. Extend the wall a little and add some water like you did on the right.
Yea I saw that too once I got the picture, I'll edit it some day when I got the time. I make my maps on a mac so I got no scm jpg thing or any inverted ramps/bridges thingys, just regular star edit.
There is an important difference between the minonlies on Dahlia and on this map - on Dahlia, they are on the backside of your base, being very vulnerable to tanks and stuff. On this map, the minonlies are by far less vulnerable.
Small edit, I can't get the picture tho, ya guys know what I changed anyway.
cool, but dont you think there is too much gas? also i dont think the alter routes could be useful for flanking since they are so long and tight in some ways

but it is a little flaw, the map is cool :)
yea well, I had min onlys on the expos next to the bridges, but I wanted to try mass gas and it stayed that way since then. Maybe I should remove those gasses.
I like the map; so what if it is dahlia inspired, that was a nice map. This map really favours z though. easy 3 bases and lots of flanking room. I guess a z might 3hatch to the nat, but it wouldn't be necessary, especially against p. I like how the nat and backdoor are easily harassable.
lmao wtf was I smoking ><

t>p badly in this map, goons will come 1 by one across thjose bridges and t will be like, gg noob. Z will have a hard time against protoss imo, zvt looks ok though. That nat is vulnerable enough and is far enough away from the ramp that it's not quite easy money for zergs. Any terran could bring troops around the back easily =/

The mains look fairly small from the picture too.
I still like the map -.-

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