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Last update for (0)Twilight Ramp : 2009, 08, 27 04:48
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1623 (0)Twilight Ramp 64*64spinesheath2.2experimental

The map has been rated 25 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

password: 1

woo woo collection complete :D
modified by spinesheath
oh those ramps give me the chills
For completeness' sake ;)

Password is "1", again.

Was pretty easy because twilight and ice terrain are convertable pretty nicely.

There were better tiles for the borders on Ice, though. The walkable part of the ramp is better on this one than on Ice because there is a good number of suitable tiles, so that it looks pretty nice.

I am not really satisfied with the bottom cliff, it does not really look like it leads downwards, so if anyone manages to fix this, feel free to change it.

The blending is a little better on Ice, imo.
Just made an update with an alternative design of the bottom cliff...

It's pretty tough there...
modified by spinesheath
hmmm they look weird =( but I have to try them.
Well, I always recommend normal ramps, anyways ;)
hmm there has to be a better way to blend the tiles at the bottom ..
A better one than crushed rock? Well, I'd be glad if you found one, but it's unlikely ;)
can you also make some ramps for the normal directions? so it would be pos. balanced if you use the custom ramps everywhere on the map (normal ramps are unbuildable)
These are unbuildable as well. Ok, normal ramps have a larger unbuildable area, but that should be an easy fix (at least on the high dirt side). I used some tiles from (cliff-)doodads that are unbuildable, but walkable and look just like normal high dirt.
You can use some tiles from the crushed-rock-to-sunken-ground ramp to increase the unbuildable area on the other end of the ramp (you will have to leave a buildable gap if you don't want it to be blocky, but there are no 1x1 buildings).
modified by spinesheath
my main concern is that you can block this ramp in a way i already pointed out in muse, with the snow ramps. and maybe for look, it may be sweet to have them in all directions :>
As I said, put some tiles of the crushed-rock-to-sunken-ground ramp there; should fix the issue.
I guess I will make those ramps you want one day, but not too soon.
I redid those ramps that were in the mapdori thread. Note that I really pretty much just copied them; I didn't fix the blockiness (which partially could fairly easily be fixed) or any other issues.
Except for one issue: The raps that face the "normal" directions didn't fit properly into isometrical terrain, so I tweaked the ramps slightly but without changing properties such as width etc.

Btw, I am fairly sure that you can block the two inverted ramps with a single zealot so that it will be zealot-tight, while the two "normal" ramps are wider.
updated pic :)

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