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Last update for (2)Hitchhiker 1.0 : 2013, 04, 22 23:41
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1848 (2)Hitchhiker 1.0 128*128Forgotten_2.2league

The map has been rated 25 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Haven't played it, but it looks impossible for z, and hard for p in pvt. T loves this map. This shithole of a map alongwith shithole lt made it into the OSL. Tau cross, peaks of baekdu, and arcadia are gone. Arkanoid stays, Desert Fox is here to stay, the new Longinues remains.
This has got to be a joke...
z loss every mu gg
this map can either play really well or really bad. its meant for guerilla warfare, meaning if you mass attack anywhere, theres a gazillion routes to choose from to avoid them and take out expos, its also low money so should be interesting games
This map... Is not for zerg... Just see the replay.
Yep, you basically can't stop a terran except for when you have swarm. The only possibility is to kill him off while he kills you...
The whole map is too tight Oo
Basically the comments on Hitchhiker enlighten us on the balancing skills of people on No offense anyone, but these comments are crap. (with an exception of Inept's one)
modified by NyRe
not impossible for z, but hard in early game to defend against an aggressive terran slowpush (fasttank) with the standard technics, so we need some new strategy :)

maybe ensnaring in the canyon hehe then marines are crucial to avoid lurkers, but its not that easy in tight places --or-- cheeselings through the 2nd entrance, but terran can adopt to many situations much easier in my opinion

then, in late game i imagine quite interesting warfare here. t can handle the ultras and lurkers so easily at many areas, so it is better to harass the shit out of the opponent with random drops of lings, lurkers and attacking many points constantly, also mutas, guas are pretty useful and so powerful here. even nydus canals could be used.

in pvt there always be mass carrier, i dont see how can a protoss win easily with only ground army, but those carriers will be a nightmare for terran. p could easily avoid the goliaths by abusing the map's abilty, so wraiths are more likely.. this could be also great.

Had just lost a 25 minute zvp on arcadia, was loser's choice, last game of the semi-finals of a tournament, so I picked a cheesy map and cheesed him. Not to spoil anything, but I don't 6pool often so I fuck the build up. Funny game.

I laugh looking at the comments. Nyre you're a noob -_- But idk I like this map after having seen and played it. There was no way to know the map's gameplay from a picture alone.
This is a great map folks, what modern mapmaking is all about. Gone for good is the single choke and armies can move into more than one battlefield. I uploaded the games of the Blizzard Invitational played on this map. Savior playing zerg won his games playing against toss (Bisu and Nalra). The other two games are mirror matches (z v z and P v P).

Also checkout the game between Fantasy (T) and Onelove (P). This game is not from the invitational. Toss puts terran against the ropes with proxy gateways and then photon cannons. But terran counters with vultures and SCVs and then goes air with one wraith and wins!
modified by Lancet
Thanks for the rep adds :)

--LGI vs dOme[13]OOD(1on1, 1.14)
--iM-Nightmarjoo vs iM-ScY(1on1, 1.15)
--Bisu vs Savior(1on1, 1.14)
--Bisu vs Testie(1on1, 1.14)
--Savior vs Sen(1on1, 1.14)
--Nalra vs Savior(1on1, 1.14)
--Fantasy vs Onelove(1on1, 1.14)

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