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Last update for (2)Beast and Key : 2007, 02, 06 07:17
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1875 (2)Beast and Key 128*128EffectHypnotize2.4beta

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

i think the nats may be a bit too far from the mains. tanks cant hit anything and when they can it would have to be on the outer edge and wouldnt benefit terran in any way really.
Holy shit long distances

Are you sure the mains are equal in size?

The difference in room behind the two mineral formations is appalling

Turtle map =/ you can take your nat, mineral only, and 2nd gas expo before you opponent even get's to you. This map looks like it would favour lnept's 2base carriers.

interesting idea =/
nats aren't too far away; the distance is negligible when considering how long it takes for the enemy to get to you.

Proxygate near the 2nd ramps ftw!
yea its so damn far away but i dont know how to fix it... ill have to mess with it.
whoa, u outdid yourself with this map. Very good execution, and good idea and layout. Nitemjoo maybe right, very long distances.


Remove the mineral onlies, and place them where the 2nd gas expos are. That will remove anytype of turtle game or at least not promote that gameplay.

Try to make some of the staircases joined (Wide ramps). This would help against T's.

The only idea i could think of shortening the distances is by moving the mains closer to the edge of the map and then moving the main ramps closer to mains entrances.

I like this map alot, i wish i could have done it :P
modified by NastyMarine
omfg yes 2 base carriers in PvT FTW
i know what ill do. ill move the min only to where second gas expo is and widen the ramos near the second expo while moving back the high basillica a bit there too. i can then move the second gas expo somewhere else cuz ill have more room. about the distances i can make a small ramp for rushing distance to be less far. will be hard ><.

thanks for the support nasty
dunno if playable i think it favours terran alot but looks really pretty :)
looks cool. I honestly believe that the gameplay sucks on this map though. As I dont play anymore, I won't find out^^

edit: long distances and many "free" expansions usually don't make for very exciting matches. Plus it looks quite terran-friendly imo.
modified by panschk[FP]
made some relatively big changes. the ramp may be bad im not sure.
ok i fixed it so it didnt disadvantage zerg so damn much. im going to go play some games on it right now as well.
oh I like it better now
plays pretty fucking solid. i played a great game but i need to slim it down to upload..
The mineral formations like everywhere have no room for turrets/cannons, as zerg I would never stop making mutas -_-
Mains still look a little tight, how were they in game? I haven't checked rep.

--Hypnosis[FUZZ] vs OmniWang(1on1, 1.14)

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