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Last update for (2)bloodreddaisy : 2023, 03, 18 22:56
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1874 (2)bloodreddaisy 128*128spinesheath2.4beta

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

Pic looks funny :p

Well, I just wanted to try this concept... I have not much time for testing right now, and I didn't bother decorating it a lot as well. Have to do homework now :/

Just tell me what you think...
I think it looks great. I'll try to find some time today to play a few games on it. really love the way it looks :) great job man!
Well, actually it is almost not decorated at all, there is no common style in the terrain-decoration yet and so on... so imo it does not look so good yet :p

I just hope that it plays well and is halfway balanced.
My biggest concerns are the expansions in the bottom corners and those at the top. Maybe the ones at the top should be on the highground, dunno yet... And the bottom corner expansions are... well I wanted them there, but they are just put there, I think they should be more connected to the flow of the map... Suggestions are appreciated :p
i feel it suffers in the same way that Trench warfare does...most of the map wont see much use, as there is an enormous battlefield, but a small distance that seperates, which can decide games very quickly.
The northern plateau looks hard to assault if a terran camps there =/

Why no gas at nat??

btw that northern plateau looks perfect for proxy gates =/
Certainly, the northern path is short. I will probably make it longer, but it will still be significantly shorter than the the southern path.
That's intended and yes, many games will be decided on this part already.
This also is the reason why there is no gas at the natural: When you are aiming for a quick decision on the northern path, you will probably take the minonly; if you took your gas, you'd be too vulnerable.
But as the game goes on, the bottom would become more and more important. And then it should become of great importance where you move your units, northern path or southern. Since they are not really connected, you have to keep an eye on your enemy's units or else you'll be overrun from the back.
If a terran camps at the top (it's not tight at all, remember that this is a 128x128 map, and only 2 players), you can either use the northern highground to break his push, or simply evade his whole army and attack him from the back.
Roma sanctum lookliked

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