| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Twist : 2005, 07, 21 14:58
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 203 | (2)Twist | 128*128 | mad_Rhetoric | 1.2 | final | | The map has been rated 52 times and got a total of 60 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
mad_Rhetoric | | | Changed some things up, by suggestion of some reviewers. | SoulFusion | | | Your commentthe style this map is structered, reminds me a bit to enter the dragon....
its 4 o clock atm and im a tired so only a short comment what ive seen:
i think both, zerg and toss will ahave problem if they go fe, cause of the placement of the natural and the 2 ways to reach it. | panschk | | | I disagree. Distance is a very important factor when going FE, the distances on this map are long from one starting point to another. The 11 and 5 min only expansions should both have the same distance from the respective main, I'd prefer changing to bottom one. Gameplay wise it has absolutely nothing to do with enter the dragon, the only thing that might be similar is the path in the middle that reminds of a dragon.
btw should I delete the old version? (next time just use the "edit" function if you have an update) | Starparty | | | I think that the are where the 2nat is should continue and be connected with the center, thus creating like a big 'S' in the design. That would open up -alot- | STIMEY D OKGM FISH | | | pretty shape but consider making it more solid green overall. (+)
the nats look okay for zvp, and the distance is long so it's probably a fair expo vs expo situation. such a long distance and flanking means tvp looks okay so far too. good map (+) (+)
3+ 0- | Starparty | | | There is no big skeleton doodad (-)
:) | Starparty | | | Oh, there was! (+)(+) |
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