| Back to "classic" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)Neo Forsaken Valley : 2007, 03, 27 03:36
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2089 | (4)Neo Forsaken Valley | other | PriesTLIZarD | 0.1 | classic | | The map has been rated 54 times and got a total of 5 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
PriesTLiZarD | | | Some time ago I saw that people modified old Blizzard maps to give them a new look.
I thought that idea was exciting thats why I decided to try it by myself.
The way I tried to update "Forsaken Valley" was to make the gameplay a little bit more interesting, without changing the general taste of the map too much.
Most important changes:
- I moved the starting position to the cliff to make economy harassement more successful.
- The ramp was removed. Now each starting position is connected with open field via a small entrance to the middle of the map.
- Each starting position has access to a natural expansion -- although the distance is rather long, comparable to Azalea.
- The interesting part are the plateaus to the right and left. They are only accessable with shuttles/overlords and hold 3 possible expansions each. Two of these expansions only have 3000 Gas.
- The two expansions in the middle have two 2500 Gas (Longinus 2 style).
I think those are the major modifications. I hope you can give me some good suggestions. I will try to do some further improvements.
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