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Nightmarjoo | | | Inverted and pimped!
Changes include: dwebs to main chokes and the tops of all ramps, 4 swarms in the most open parts of the map, decoration pimped, a neutral backdoor added to the inbase mineral only, one building is a xel naga for endurance, the other is a 2000hp thing which can be repaired; gas issue fixed for SE main, the mineral only behind the mains and the inbase mineral only were given a neutral wall, this was to make the expo more secure, the eye's expo was given 3 warp gate neutrals to help add some security to it/tighten that.
Please give comments/suggestions/questions/feedback etc.
One question I had, the E/W bases are pretty useless imo, not to mention they're a huge thing of more or less unused space, how can I improve those expos? I was considering adding a side entrance and giving it a neutral wall, but that hurts pathing, and reduces the important of the corner bases. | NastyMarine | | | i think the spells and neutral buildings are really unnecessary. but besides that i really like it. your mapping skills are getting alot alot alot better. visually stunning. | testbug | | | there are trees in the mains? | Lancet | | | Interesting map. One of the dwebs to the SW does not appear in the map when you try to play it, seems you placed it too close to the cliff. With regards to the E/W expos, you could connect them to the "mainland" through an additional but more central entrance. Place it sufficiently away from the mains and nats so that players will be forced to get to the center before going there (see gmcs). I know this will shift game play away from the region where you placed the swarms, but doing this brings all that extra space more into play.
Say can anybody tell me what "gmcs" stands for? modified by Lancet | Nightmarjoo | | | "i think the spells and neutral buildings are really unnecessary" Well excluding the neutrals at the nat, in Avatar the same can be said, and yet Avatar showed how interesting games/maps can be with spells, I used to think neutrals were completely useless, but I think if they are intelligently used that is not the case. ie, I like my use of neutrals at the nat in my map (2)Inertia, it corrects a possible balance issue with having too open of a nat entrance during early game, but at the same time allows for a more open nat later on when it is helpful to have such, and doesn't at all infringe on the map's pathing.
As for the neutrals in this map, with the main's backdoor I tried to do what was done in BattleGrounds only safer, and also tried to lessen the macro factor having an inbase expo on top of an easily securable nat has. And I tried to make expoing more comfortable elsewhere in the map with other neutrals.
With spells, the dwebs could not be there and it wouldn't change much, but I wanted to use them, even if it would be a more subtle effect. Practice with experimenting with spells will help to find the best ways to use them, so that in the future our spells in maps competition will be a real competition. Swarms, I am truly experimenting with. In some of my other recent maps I used them radically to see how they worked. From my personal testing, I really liked how they played. I didn't like the swarm too much in LT's motw, and haven't seen them used to effect pvt/tvp more, so I tried to do that by using them in the middle of the action. They effect the map only strategically, imo, not through balance.
"your mapping skills are getting alot alot alot better. visually stunning" Thank you :)
"there are trees in the mains?" Yeah, I've been experimenting with more natural decoration stuff, with like trees in mains, from my somewhat limited testing, they have not been an issue nor an inconvenience.
"Interesting map. One of the dwebs to the SW does not appear in the map when you try to play it, seems you placed it too close to the cliff" Thanks, I'll look into it.
As for your suggestions on the E/W entrance to those expos, yeah, that's what I was thinking about. Should I neutral it up? or leave it as a real entrance?
As for what gmcs means, it's on the site somewhere... I used to know what it meant, but have since forgotten. The older mappers here should know it... modified by Nightmarjoo | Lancet | | | I think a suitable compromise between your intial concept and having access to that space from the middle will be to place say a 1500 HP neutral (not the 5000 HP Xel_Naga temple!).
"Practice with experimenting with spells will help to find the best ways to use them, so that in the future our spells in maps competition will be a real competition." Well, I thought it was a real competition. | Nightmarjoo | | | It was supposed to be, but apparently the concept of spells in maps is not so concrete as we'd thought. |
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