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Last update for (2)Sahuaqai : 2007, 04, 01 10:10
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2102 (2)Sahuaqai 128*128gigant2.2beta

The map has been rated 25 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

gas issue, right gas mines slower than left gas.

The map is visually fairly unappealing for its linear form, it's very blocky =/

Besides that, the map is ok. I think it looks to be on the tight side, there really isn't much there to support flanking or troop movement at all.

It loooks hard to defend the main's entrance, it's pretty wide and unwallable.

The neutral temple in the middle will just obstruct pathing, and doesn't really add anything interesting by tightening up the middle.

The path behind the expo blocked by the neutral is a nice concept, but the neutral is only 800 hp, I doubt it will factor into the game much, by being so open that expo doesn't have any strategic value, it's not really hard to attack now, so a backdoor isn't very significant.

The cliff expos I like though, and the mineral onlys aren't bad either. I am not a fan of that bridge, but I see how it mixes things up there.

For improving the map, I would like the nat to be redone, and the main given a tighter choke (or the nat being a better choke). Also, I think the cliff after the nat just hurts movement, and needlessly tightens that area, removing it imo will help.
fOr.gigant aka nec.gigant? :oo
I cant see the whole map on the picture
fOr.gigant aka nec.gigant? :oo

- yes the same

gas issue, right gas mines slower than left gas.

-in that case its same in pro maps too, right? its only like 8 in minute. But fine, I'll look at it

The map is visually fairly unappealing for its linear form, it's very blocky =/

-yes I know, I used different bridge lengths and widths to create some originality, which in the end made it blocky.

It loooks hard to defend the main's entrance, it's pretty wide and unwallable.

-Unwallable? I designed it so that you can make a nice wall. You only need 1 pylon and toss has a nice wall too. But yeah, I think I'll make it slightly smaller

The neutral temple in the middle will just obstruct pathing, and doesn't really add anything interesting by tightening up the middle.

-true, but I intended there to be something on the way. There wasn't good enough doodads, so I used that.

The path behind the expo blocked by the neutral is a nice concept, but the neutral is only 800 hp, I doubt it will factor into the game much, by being so open that expo doesn't have any strategic value, it's not really hard to attack now, so a backdoor isn't very significant.

-I intended it to have small amount of hp, its just to prevent stuff like lurkers running through just like that and crap. Besides, I meant it to be that its rather easy to attack from there, but you can make a cannon or sunk easily to stop/slow it down. Besides, thats also the reason I made it wide open from the behind.

The cliff expos I like though, and the mineral onlys aren't bad either. I am not a fan of that bridge, but I see how it mixes things up there.
-It would look stupid without the bridge I think, and it also makes it more interesting imo.

Also, I think the cliff after the nat just hurts movement, and needlessly tightens that area, removing it imo will help.
- You know, in the original version it didn't have that. But do you realize how hard it is to expo or defend the expo when its so wide. That small high dirt piece has very essential purpose. If it wasn't there, terran could have a 3 rax excellent flanks, and its a flank itself to attack the nat. Due to balance issues its very well needed. Other stuff would have to be modified so that removing the small high dirt block wouldn't screw up the balance. And it would take so heavy modifications, I think its nice even now. And it isn't tight really, all units can well move out and through, and the gap is still larger than in maps like tau cross and longinus. If you've tried it ingame, you'll know what I mean
giga moi :D ... tsiigaas munki mapit ;)... (Sry for finnish). The main chokes are too wide, the inverted ramp is so ugly... (Search (0)Jungel ramps) .. Otherwise the map looks cool.. Deco aint the best but it's not a big problem.

And u should unprotect the map... ^^
modified by RaDiX
why would I unprotect it? you got a clear picture, and both obs and melee version. No reason for unprotect except someone modifying it and taking credits offa it T_T
Why would someone want to steal credit for your map? Why would you unprotect it? One, so people can look at your map in the editor. Two, so people could make an edit of it if they thought it could be improved; idk about elsewhere, but the mappers here at bwm are not going to steal your map. If they make an edit, they'd post a comment here showing you the edit. Also, at bwm we have a policy that protected maps cannot win the MOTW competition. Protection in a melee map is not needed, nor will any mapper here steal your map.

As for the map: The backdoor is virtually useless for the NW/SE expos since the expos themselves are so vulnerable to to attack for being so open.

"-in that case its same in pro maps too, right? its only like 8 in minute. But fine, I'll look at it" All "pro" maps have positional imbalances. Luna and LT have some pretty bad positional imbalances. The gas issue is a positional imbalance. Feel free to ignore it, but bare in mind it flaws your map by making it unfair, if only slightly. Bare in mind the people calling those maps "pro" are players, not mappers, and they themselves balk at the positional imbalance in them.

The nat is too open imo, open up the area outside the nat and make the nat easier to hold. The main has a big choke (please don't tell me it doesn't, I'm not blind), so the nat should defend it better. You said something about the main choke being walled by a single pylon? I hope you're kidding, as that's retarded. I can't tell exactly how big the choke is since the map is protected, but it's pretty big -.-

The bridge by the mineral only makes it very easy to defend, ie encourages turtling. This is especially true given that stupid cliff wall which I again suggest removing.
alright. thanks alot, I'll have a look at those. Can someone still remind me what gas positions give max gas income, or what positions would give as good income?
12 o'clock and 9 o'clock are the best...

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