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Arcopix | | | This is my first map in years (dunno six or seven)...
I don't expect very good oppinions, but anyway give little bit feedback and I'll fix it :) | ptar | | | At the first look i see 2 very bad things:
1. You need some more expansions. On a 4 player map with that low resources, a player get realy fast outa money.
2. You have to make your maps positional balanced. You should download scmdraft2 and you the mirror tool.
A good start in melee mapping is to read our articles and learn the basics. Use scmdraft, cuz it's easier to create maps. welcome at bwmn!
Edit: also your map seems to be very tight. Delete the highground in the middle and try to make the desig not so linear. modified by ptar | LML | | | wow, the pic has a rly bad quality, u should save it as .jpg, and then make is smaller, instead of making it smaller, while its a .bmp.
ptar is right, more expansions are needed, also its looking kinda simple, whith this squary, like at 9,3, and the mains. | spinesheath | | | Resize and then convert to jpeg worked fine for me all the time...
Is "victus" the correct form? My Latin is a little rusty *cough* |
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