| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)CeEz : 2007, 08, 28 01:12
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2425 | (2)CeEz | 96*96 | mDiX2 | 2.5 | final | | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
ProTosS4EveR | | | RaDiX's famili member? xD | Lancet | | | Good map, the back door to the nat from the mineral only is a nice detail. The entrance to the North nat from the center of the map is wider than the South nat because you did not use a reversed ramp. See if you can narrow it a bit. Waht is CeEz? modified by Lancet | mDIX2 | | | I added new picture with corrected entrance to the north natural.
But I still don't know how make my map more beatifuly... :( | LML | | | hm.. those stones look maybe a bit uggly >_<'
Thats why you should use Jungle, when u do such a kind of map, like this. All you used here, is in Jungle aswell, and you could use Jungle-ground + Temple, to make it look more beautiful;) | mDiX2 | | | Thx a lot! I added some reps. Enjoy!
PvP on this map is very nice and I like it although I hate pvp...
But I feel need to add on this map one more exp with gas. Players musy fight for this super extra exp... But I don't know how to do this... There is no place :(
And I will do new design of this map on jungle like the preceding speaker said. modified by mDiX2
P.S. 2
I fixed this map a lot and beautify and now I can say that is the FINAL map :)
I added island on the middle. It's a super extra exp where are 2 gassers with 3000.
Now it's beautiful cuz there is a lot of rubbish! I can't believe it! I made this! I make a more beautifuly map and this is my the best!
I will give you more replays and plz criticize me a lot and tell me what I can fix in this map!!
Enjoy! modified by mDiX2 | Lancet | | | Good map and nice replays, maybe you should narrow the entrance to the mains a little. |
| Replays
- - mDiX vs hOt)VulTTure(1on1, 1.15) - - mDiX vs Zidane-AFM-(1on1, 1.15) - - mDiX vs elnino[rox](1on1, 1.15) - - mDiX vs [aCw]GRappler(1on1, 1.15)
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