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Last update for (4)Monophobia : 2008, 06, 06 11:06
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2500 (4)Monophobia 128*128Nureru2.6beta

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Mineral walls by nat are set at 32. The inverted basilica ramps I had to make from scratch, and that was my first time doing something like that. They work excellently, but they're ugly as sin, so if someone has a better one, that'd be great.

Tips are appreciated.
Great map but lings can get by the mineral block in the NW main. There is nothing to do about the ramps, any ramp with a lot of internal structure (like steps) when reversed looks like %#@$&!
can't you do something with the east and west unused parts.. it's a shame so much space haven't been used at all, just filled with random high dirt :)
I took the liberty of modifying your ramps. They aren't perfect, but I improved the aesthetics a bit. You can use them if you want.;8571486;/fileinfo.html
Nice concept.
Oh hey, I like those ramps. Thanks, Moebius. Updated with better inverted basilica ramps and fixed the NW main.

And as for the east and west unused parts, I couldn't think of any way to use it, hence the random high dirt :)

If you have a suggestion, I'm more than open.
Glad you liked the ramps. :)

You could fix the minerals. Currently every single mineral on the map is type 2, needs a bit more variety.
Oh crap, I forgot to randomize them again? I always do that. All right, updated with the minerals not being all uniform and lame.
Looks nice. I'm not sure if I would want to make my 2 hatch up top then 3 hatch bottom, or 2 hatch bottom then 3 hatch top. That entrance can't be ungaurded :P. (I'm not suggesting to change it, I'm just thinking outloud, it is interesting to see if zerg players will cover the entrance or go for the mins.)

It looks like the top and bottom expos have room behind the minerals and the left and right don't, the right in particular.

Purple and blue also look to have the safest expos. I'll have to test it sometime, or someone else, w/e, but it looks like blue and purple tanks can hit red and teal expo with a floating rax/ebay.
modified by Holy)Sin(
u could make an expansion at east and west, so that you cant hit it with tank or w/e from the normal ground. just put it lowground.
is there any kind of theme to the mapname?
I've just been naming all my maps after songs for a while now >.>

I hate naming maps.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, I just now realized that I snagged map number 2500. :D
modified by Nureru
hmm nice 8/10 :) btw i like it :)

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