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Last update for (4)Everest : 2007, 10, 08 21:24
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2567 (4)Everest 128*128IAMAHIPO_ocolor0.1final

The map has been rated 43 times and got a total of 6 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Really awesome map. There is a bit of positional imbalance, which I cannot fix because no good editor. Someone, LML, Lancet, ANYBODY(!) post a picture please. I want to enter this in experimental map competion.

expos at 9, 3, 11/12, 4/5, 1/2, and 6/7 are 500 minerals each, and 1000 gas each. mains are 5000/1500. nat is 3000/1500.
Blue's main sucks compared to the others.
I posted the piture for you. It's late and I can't think very well. I gree that blue's base need some more work. Gameplay of a 1 vs 1 when starting positions are in nearby bases will be radically different from gameplay when starting positions are bases far from each other. Those double ramps basically amount to double chokes so there is no walling in for terran possible here except maybe in blue's base (the way it is now). Let me think about it, goodnight.
red to purple or blue tu teal distances are too short
i agree with testbug
Somehow I dislike how your very first sentence labels your own map "really awesome"...

This map certainly is NOT awesome, and those "little" positional imbalances can be reduced a lot without using any other editor than Staredit.

For example:
- The NE and SW expoes are not equally large
- blue's mainbase is shaped badly, too little building space
- E and W areas are way different in size and shape
- 0 decoration
- blue's ramps
- distances between naturals
- no room behind any minerallines
- blue's natural is much better to defend
- blue's nat: 7 min blocks; red: 7; teal: 6; purple: 4 (wtf?)
- different tankability of the naturals

hell, I'll stop here. There is NO WAY this could be "final".
Gas issue, blue's.
Blue's main is pretty awkward.
TealBlue/RedPurple distances are too short.
Some nats are more tankable than others.
The lack of positional balance is not due to a lack of scmdraft, but lack imo of a solid concept. I reccomend drawing out your maps on paper or something and considering positional balance before-hand; there really is a lot of positional oddities here.
E/W stick out like a sore thumb, I reccomend removing them.
The corner expos are awkward and imo too turtleable, for having so many minerals and a double gas, they should be more vulnerabe I think.
The double ramp concept of the mains limits strategy a lot by forcing fast expoing.
You can decorate the whole map, you know?^^

I think your main positioning needs to be altered so you have more room for the double gas expos, and so your mains and nats aren't too close or have positional imbalances.
We all started making maps without any symmetry tool, we counted squares for hours. It's not impossible.
There's a lot of money in the map, consider you already have a main and nat for every player on a map probably centered on 1v1. You don't need that much gas, and there's a lot of minerals as well.

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