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Last update for (2)Liberty Soul : 2008, 02, 01 22:52
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2740 (2)Liberty Soul 96*96neobowman0.3betaground

The map has been rated 42 times and got a total of 12 points

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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

Obviously I'm not done the map. It's still in its early stages but I want a general idea where the expos should go. A lot of the concept is highly experimental so I put it in this section. Basically, main building starts off close to the choke which leads out to the rest of the map and the nat. This is so Zerg can protect the nat with sunkens. There's a backdoor where there are 2 50 mineral patches that allow small units through and theres 2 8 mineral patches so only workers can get through. The workers can proxy easily or open up the path for early units. The third expo can be accesed either from near the center of the map or from the backdoor path. From the backdoor path, the mineral patches are more open to attack by enemy units but there is gas. On the other side, there are only minerals but there are more and the mineral line cannot be attacked as easily. Need advice on where to put expos in particular. Any other comments would also be appreciated.
where is the building space? are red supose to walk through the gass?
why dont u ever guys finnish the maps before host them, pretty boring to look at a map thats only been working alittle on concept. the best thing to do is make it as good as possible then upload here and see what u forgot (or not forgot) :)

i think the mains r 2 small. should be expo in corner too by raised jungle
This map is lacking structure. I like the interesting nat set up but I really dont like the rest of the map. I think this concept could be executed a lot better. Try repositioning the mains. I dont exactly like the backdoor. Its way too far and makes enemy movement way too unpredictable. So theres a lot of tuff u need to modify if you'd like to improve this map. keep at it :D
Won't at least some of the units exiting the map towards the center have to cross the peon line?
modified by Lancet
pimpfactor 7/10
I'll get down to enlargening the mains (looks easier than it looks) and fixing up the map in general asap. Btw pimpfactor?
Enlarged mains, enlarged nats somewhat (not for the purpose of extending it) disconnected backdoor and basically made it into an expo. Few other changes including a bit of deco. Not too much though.
Finished deco and this is pretty much the final version. Tell me if there are any wrinkles to iron out.
lol the gas r still problems, the doodads take their place, but the workers wont gather from doodads (as far as i know) :P
Oh I see. Should I move the gas further so it would need 4 miners for both players are something else?
modified by neobowman
remove all unbuildable doodads in main, seiously
hmm, Personnaly, I think u should make both gas rather balanced, even if it requires 4 on each side, and if it looks dumb.. bc in the end, pathing is more important i think
K, I moved both gases so they need 4 each. Removed unbuildible doodads in the main.

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