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Last update for (4)Morbidezza : 2008, 06, 23 07:29
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2741 (4)Morbidezza 128*128M#2.6finalground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Long time no see, Everyone :)

Starts : 9M(4x2 + 1) 1G
Front Yard : 7M 1G
Center : 8M(4x2) 1G
12,3,6,9 : 6M 1G

Power, Power. All I need is Power !

Just power type map.

Meaning of title is 'Kan You See My Astable Stacraft Scenario?'.

Not Kiss My Ass :)
modified by Mapghost
Why you stack them?

Anyway you can kiss my ass too :) (don't take it personally).

Imo, T > All on this map! He can place everywhere his tanks and they will be safe, he can even build everywhere. Imagine drop tanks in the sunken wide hole in front of your main + some other army support. It's also hard for zerg to protect, needs lot of sunks to cover all so no army sneaks behind...
terran wont be able to expand in such a terrain like this where its so close to opponent with no height advantage
"Why you stack them?"

Possibly to lessen the impact of peon wandering syndrome.
BTW, another very cool map. I love your maps Mapghost :)
""Why you stack them?"

Possibly to lessen the impact of peon wandering syndrome."

Or to increase the impact of scarab hitting syndrome.

Cool map, but don't you think there's too much gas?
Also, the expos in the center I'm sure will get in the way of pathing to the ramps.
Especially with having so much gas, I think the map is on the tight side, especially when players are in opposite corners. I think your mains are so large and take up so much room that you don't have enough room for the rest of the map. But it might be fine, needs testing I spose.
Wow what a great map. ideas:

- I dont like stacked minerals. but thats just personal preference. Why not just add the correct amount of minerals?

- as LGI mentioned, there are unnecessary tank spots. remove them.

- IMO there is too many gas expos.

but awesome map.
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1. Center expos are disapear.
2. Front yard more close to starts. so more easy to defense.
3. Tank spots are disapear.

stacked minerals are placed for more buliding place.
modified by Mapghost
Wellcome back maphost! Nice map, lower the gas geysers to 8 or max 10. Only 5 minerals in the main, isn't that too low? What are you trying to accomplish with this? Also why do you have those outcrops of highland partially blocking the area around some of the main's exit ramps (see one example in GMCS)?

Hey, remember to vote in out EMOTY, (4)MOTY and (2)MOTY competitions, thanks!
modified by Lancet
Lancet//because of barrack. player can block with barrack anywhere.

and starts min is 9. 4x2(stacked) + 1.
I think you better use minerals or natural buildings instead, so in late game players are able to move large armies more easier, when they harvest/destroy the minerals/buildings.
some of the gaysers at the nats can't have a refinery built on them, the teal nat is an example, didn't check the rest of them.
Those minerals which you used to fill in the tank spots stand mega ugly. Aren't there any doodads that will fit there?
I renamed this map.

Stacked minerals are spreaded.
Many problems have solved.

I don't care for the differences in the ramp up to the nat and the area after it. The ramps look like they can be walled differently too.
I modified it.

I used Upsided cliff
reminds me a lot like wuthering hts
nice work

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