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Last update for (2)Whoosh : 2008, 06, 12 17:11
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2887 (2)Whoosh 96*128Crackling2.2betaground

The map has been rated 87 times and got a total of 193 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

mineral blocks have 40 each.

no deco yet
this seems to be a good map.
i like pretty much everything with it

id like if u remove the mineral blocks and add a mineral block in the ramp instead (the ramp thats on same side as the jungle)
well this would change the whole concept :/

i think i gonna keep it like this
i like the main/chokes/backdoorexp/natural/hill layout. but the rest of the map isnt really on the same level imo, it seems uninspired...
well you are kinda right =D

i had those things u named ready and than i had to place 2 more gas-expo for each player >.<
so considering the place i had left i made an expo which both players can take and turtle there (bridge expo) and another in the open field which gonna be taken lategame.
well if you have better ideas for those space plz help me :)
It looks like you can pylon hop at the blue mineral only, but not at the red mineral only. It also looks like you need to mine out two mineral blocks at red's just to open the path.

Other than that, it looks good. I don't think you should try to shove anymore into this map, you need that space in the middle for battles.
ty templar, fixed that, now only 1 mineral block and both sides can pylonjump it.

deco finished

sick map. great decoration style and innovative set-up.


- unflankable (cluttered deco/doodads as well as middle battle area(s)).
- small mains (you can add to them easily).
just opened it ingame and the mains are HUGE LOL >.<

you feel almost lost in them because they are really big :/
i'm thinking about making them a bit smaller >.<

anyways you wont have problems with fitting ~12rax 2fac 2 startport and full of depots there without confusing your units :o

hm flanking has to be well prepared here its allmost like on peaks i think where you have several routes to surround your opponent.
also there are only 10 unwalkable units in places where you gonna move a lot/fight so i hope it wont be that much of a problem

btw there isnt even a pathing problem because of the 815 ramps, the units just decide to choose the other ramp if they cant fit :D
modified by Crackling
Very good looking.
modified by SiaBBo
i like this map

20 supply depots
academy, x2 armory
9 factories + some machine shops

i dont think the mains are huge.

can zerglings go across the jungle (ignoring mineral block) ?
This makes me not want to map. :(
And i had a new map i was working on too, it was gonna be decent. =*(
you see, you cant hide anything to my map-analysing hawkeye!
no unit can pass the jungle :O
at least move the naturals (with gas) alittle bit away from main ramp so there is more space for troop movement
there is enough space :>
I kind of don't like the backdoor ramp. I think it can lead to funny pathing and main base building layout.
Overall map is ok. Needs testing ._.
ok i tested a TvP build in the mains and they are very awkward.

try this in your mains:

- 10 factories (2 with addon).
- 18 depots.
- 2 armories
- all other tech buildings.
- 3 to 4 strategic turrets placed around factories/cc

Is there enough room? IMO no
-widened mains
-moved startlocation so more space is comfortably "usable" for gates/rax/fax
-removed some unwalkable doodads in the center

modified by SiaBBo
i think gas issue at nats is allowed :>
modified by Crackling
Look 6 and 12. Or 11 and 5.
This map is really cool, I really like the double entrance to the nat and that minonly but the mineral block there creates a pathing issue. Try to send an scv to the other base and it will try to enter by the minonly backdoor. I guess players will just have to dealwith it but see if you can come up with a fix for this.

Acropolis is an improvement over burning penis, but there is nothing acropolis-like about the map. The acropolis is the upper fortified part of a city.
modified by Lancet
i think i solved the pathing problem _mostly_ there are still situations leading to units got confused :( changed xd
the mineral block doesnt even work at right player even a goliath can pass

and this "jungle" u sure units cant pass it? have u tested?
w00t, have to fix the mineralblock, sec :D:D

yep the jungle works xd
- fixed problems with jungle
- 12+6 are highground now
- pathissue minimized (still there but only if you kinda missclick or send them from main to the minonly)
- mineralblocks are 24
I don't like the backdoor ramp. I think it can lead to funny pathing and main base building layout.

blues and reds mineral distance from edge are different. reds 2 and blues 1, noob ^^
This map looks crazy. I have to try this. :D
widened the bridges, removed 815 ramps for less path issue

yeah, red can build lots of thing behind mineral fields
this is ima cuz zerg will be able to build lots of defiler mouds there
Is it just me, or is the geyser at the northeast position closer to the bridge than the one to the southwest?

modified by Rye
Bigger middle?
yeah,because of this and because you practically cannot flank t > p > z.the pasages over the ramps aren't really an option after 10 minutes;because of the short distance between the mains z won't be able not even to hold his nat if t push with 3 rax.and in pvz i fail too see how z will be able to avoid storms
use of the short distance between the mains z won't be able not even to hold his nat if t push with 3 rax.and in pvz i fail too see how z will be able

with 3 rax.and in pvz i fail too see how z will

d in pvz i fail too see

i fail

>>i fail<<

that was a friendly version of - there is no way to avoid storms in pvz.yep,you failled

btw,what means this wicked font-soup at all?
modified by Grief_Stricken
I think map just look pretty, but it's not very playable. ;/
I think your mom just looks pretty, but isn't very playable.

I think the map is fine. It would benefit from edits, but Crackling is lazy. Most maps would benefit from edits anyway.
"Excuses are the refuge of the weak." -Imperial Thought of the Day

Well, think about this: It is pvt and terran make fast exp. 4/5 marines and tank and then command center. Ok, start build factories and tanks. Then terran take his minonly. Then he just push with tanks and take gas exp. So, terran get 4 exps.
Yeah, it's magic! Why don't the progamers do that on maps with similar expo layouts (loki II and others) every game!? Message Flash and tell him he can stop playing at 450 apm working really hard every game, and can just "make fast exp. 4/5 marines and tank and then command center. Ok, start build factories and tanks. Then terran take his minonly. Then he just push with tanks and take gas exp", you're a genius Siabbo!
apm dont mean everything btw.
siabbo is a genius and nightmarjoo is an asshole


--Crackling vs, 1.15)
--aYa.Amethyst vs Nb.Crackling(1on1, 1.15)
--aYa.Amethyst vs Nb.Crackling(1on1, 1.15)
--aYa.Amethyst vs Nb.Crackling(1on1, 1.15)
--aYa.Amethyst vs Nb.Crackling(1on1, 1.15)

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