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Last update for (2)Earth Eater : 2008, 06, 06 22:59
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2894 (2)Earth Eater 128*96SiaBBo & jamssi2.3betaground

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

Helpful comments please.

Spawn's are maybe little bit small but you can easily make 12 gates there.
modified by SiaBBo
- another opening to the expand, a small bridge (for early game, imagine paranoid ankroid). one of those bride to both players. look GMC

- put gasses in natural on top of the expand instead of under, u shouldnt worry about tanks hitting them or whatever u thought of

- in the middle, at the normal dirt (dark blue). put cheives(rocky ground). it would look better :P

- the mains must be bigger, cant u just make them wider to left and make a reverse ramp?

- in middle the water looks alittle too square, giving it this slacky look, u should combine with some doodads and dirt
oh great cant add a GMC cuse ur picture size is totally fked up... anyway the bridge at the other side of the large bride (this is good for battles in early game, it allows more strategies and funnier gameplay)

and btw when i personally look at main size i see as terran, cuse their buildings r largest

when a main is too small thats how u start getting 4k cuse u cant place any factories

another choise u can do instead of making mains larger u can remove the "temple" at side of player in nat area so u can build more factories/gates there ;)
modified by MorroW
I smell inspired by RoV. Crushed rock to water from testbug 0_o. The top three expos look like they're a bit too close together. If one person controls the high ground, they control the entire group of exps (a total of 4 GAS) Map looks carrier friendly from all the cliffs.
modified by neobowman
middle expo should have reversed ramps, for more place above it ;o

also u may try some copy/paste on the 11 and 1 expos to make more space free, above the cliff.
Ok update:

Bigger mains.
Added little bridge to natural.
Edited that centre expansion.

Ofcourse we want more comments.
modified by SiaBBo
basic rule, never make minerals right to the edge of map, should be able to buiild a pylon/supply behind. scouting balances.

also i added a GMC

fix mineral formation in min-only?

modified by MorroW
Added another ramp to center.
Reminds me a bit of (2)Ride of Valkyries. Pretty neat looking map.
I can imagine that P players who enjoy fast reaver drops would have a field day with this.

Not to say that's a bad thing of course. :)
Kind of tight, there isn't much breathing room. The nats are weird. Might be fine, dunno.

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