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Last update for (4)Forgotten : 2008, 04, 02 17:25
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2913 (4)Forgotten 128*96Manbearpig2.5betaground

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

I just found this site so please forgive me if I have forgotten to do anything important. This is my first real attempt at a map so please Give constructive critisism.
modified by Manbearpig
Possible gas issue for blue, his geyser is further away from the min line then anyone else's.

TOO MANY MINS. Each expo has at least 9 clusters. For a main, that's okay, but try to keep the min count down a bit. 6-7-8 clusters per expo is good.

The middle island simply has too many minerals. 18 clusters, and no gas. Try 8 clusters and two geysers, 2500 gas each. It would make that island the centerpoint of every battle.

Placement: blue and teal are going to be slow to expand. They're too far from their ramps, and their ramps are too far from an expo.

Red and purp's ramps lead immediately upwards towards a neat little expo right there, waiting for them.

The high ground above is nice and open, making troop movement easy, but the mains are huge, and I think it'd be hard to defend them. The mains are also different sizes; (from largest to smallest)

Red, purple, teal, blue.

Poor blue. He gets all the hating. :'(

There's a lot of potential for this map, but altogether it feels a bit boring. I wouldn't touch this map on a 1v1, but it'd make for okay 2v2s. I have a feeling most of your defense is going to happen above the ramp, which would seriously fuck with most people's ideas that a "d" should be constructed near your nat. Considering the nat is completely opposite the only way in, I forsee problems for Protoss in the early game.

Also, all of blue's minerals are in range of the high ground above, as opposed to everyone else's mins being partially exposed.

Goons and tanks should be able to reach workers fine, maybe lurkers and hydras, too. Fix by adding doodads, or making terrain above impassable, not just for blue, but for everyone.

Not too shabby for your first map here, though, welcome to BWMN!
modified by Rye
go to map dataabase, download the "reverse ramps" maps. download any editor with cut/paste (like scmdraft 2 (

then open the ramp map and hold in shift in cut copy selection and draw an line around the ramp

when its selected u just copy it and paste in ur own map

and about this map it isnt even mirrored with scmdraft as i mentioned earlier u can put on XY mirror to copy the maps other side while creating. its great. (too bad u cant mirror doodads or units :P)
Thank you very much very helpfull Il do my best to improve it based on what you have posted.
Good first try! You should read the articles regarding mapmaking and the "gas issue" in the "articles" section (to the right of your screen under "articles").

I think rotational symmetry is way too hard for a first map, you should choose something simpler. The way your map is, in the horizontal and vertical matchups the in-base gas nat can be reached by tanks from the adjacent nat. Also, a terran tank push in these matchups will take place next to the rim of the opponents base and tanks may be able to reach in-base buildings.

Your mineral lines can look much better (also less minerals in outside expos please, say 6 per expo), check the mineral lines in maps by others.

I fixed up what I could before I had to go I tryed to fix the gas issue and the to many minerals problem and fixed up the center island and added the backwords ramp thing.
OK, please when you come back work a little more on the edits.

Regarding the gas issue place the geysers in the mains directly on top or directly to the left, even a small angle in some cases can lead to differences.

There are too many resources in the main plus nat, it will encourage turtling. You could make the in-base expo a minonly for example to encourage players to go "out".

Please test the vulnerability of the nats to tanks from the rims, make sure all nats are equally vulnerable or not at all.

Fix those mineral clumps that "jut out" in the minonly outside teal's nat. Some of the mineral lines still look like they are on crack, give them nice curves. Don't place minerals right next to the border of the map, leave at least two squares distance with the grid setting set to "normal" in scmdraft2.

When I open the map there is a command center in the nat at 9. Write the tittle of your map in the map description box as well as one or two sentences regarding your map. Why is it "Forgotten"? What took place, is taking place or will take place here?
I tryed to spruce up my mineral lines as best i could and made the in-base expo a min only and swiched the gas to the expo outside the nat, replaced the mains gass to all be top and made shure all the in-base expos were equally vulnerable( mineral lines only the CC/Hatch/Nexus should be out of range). also deleted the wayword CC at 9.
Umm, pretty tight?

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