| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Artefact1.1 : 2008, 04, 18 21:18
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2943 | (2)Artefact1.1 | 96*96 | .Zeratul. | 2.3 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
SiaBBo | | | Path issue? | MorroW | | | whats the point with the swarm and xel naga temple, units cant even reach there
at 3 o clock with all the low ground and high ground stuff. it will just make strange sights ingame
i like the 2 homemade doodads up the ramp of middle :)
feels alittle bit too much with mineral wall and neutral building, remove 1 of those
dont really like that its 3 islands at such a small map :/ | Nightmarjoo | | | Please correct the name (remove the space). | illisid | | | hmm this is quite cool looking... but yea that middle is weirdly pointless... and it looks like top base has a tiny ramp at the bottom of it but bottom does not? | Lancet | | | Interesting map but I am concerned that the temples and later in game all the narrow paths in the center will create a pathing problem. Please before posting your map play it at least against the comp to identify problems. For example, your dark swarm does not appear ingame. | Raelcun | | | Can a small unit get through the gaps in the mineral block past the neutral temples? It seems liek from the picture they might be able to, it's hard to tell from the picture size. That long bridge is really ugly as well can't you do something to try and at least make it look a little better? | Paladin-EX | | | How do you get neutral stuff to show up in a Melee game? I haven't tried the dark swarm, but I assume it's the same as the Xel'Naga temple, which I can't seem to get working. If it shows up on StarEdit, it should be usable. >_>
Oh, right. More on topic: I think the map is a bit... ugly. I don't mean to offend, but it's not one that I think would be easy to look at, even in-game. Someone mentioned the bridge, and that's a good place to start. modified by Paladin-EX | neobowman | | | Go to Sprites on ScmDraft2 then Units Sprites. |
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