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Last update for (4)Somewhere : 2008, 08, 07 22:43
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3192 (4)Somewhere 128*128jeb0.1finalground

The map has been rated 49 times and got a total of 5 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

This is somewhat of an remake of my previous map, "Nowhere" (har har). I wanted to make a cleaner map, but keep the basic concept. The map plays nicely as a fairly standard macro map, but if any race is at a disadvantage my hunch would be zerg.
I fear tanks.
Don't worry, there is help
LOL "There is help", i scroll up and it says "Phobia" LOL
Zerg will be at a disadvantage because they will have to make their (3rd) Hatchery next to the choke so that they can place sunkens. What i don't like is that the minonly outside your main is really close, but its tankble, you can storm, lurker, tank the minonly real easily.
The middle looks really tight, imo. Remember that Zerg is really weak early game, so they need to hold a choke, you can still probably put some sunks up on the natural cliff, but with MnM, you can stim and just waltz in and wreak havoc inside.
modified by JungleTerrain
Hey Jeb :) Nice to see youre still makin maps, check out my latest:

I would add more wide ramps to increase flankability and mobility on the middlesection... and i would add some walls at 12 and 6 caus it qould look cooler than the V shape i think... Cool map :)
Hey djdobler, yeah I saw it =) You're not on MSN any longer? =(

I realized this map sucks to be honest. I will have to make a new one. Why does it suck? It sucks because in TvP, if the players spawn horizontally to each other, the Terran mid-game push will be very hard to stop. I will need to make a map where the horizontal distance is more equal to the vertical distance, while still keeping the map non-linear. Phew, it's a challenge...

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