Excalibur | | |
Not sure space is the best tileset for this, not sure what to use instead though. |
SiaBBo | | |
Ok, so new map. Let me tell something it.
Well deco isn't finished. Backdoor minerals are 80. And natural's ramp's are 40. All gasses are 5000. But let me tell about that backdoor.
It's supposed hard to defend. There is platform where you can't build. Check with your scmdraft if you don't know what I mean. And you can drop there. Mutaharras is easy and drops too. It is really hard to defend.
All suggestions and comments are welcome. |
NastyMarine | | |
Very nice. Reminds me of that new korean badlands map. |
MorroW | | |
unnessasary huge main
terran heaven
lacks good gameplay
id remake the map to (4) and keep the backdoor nat main concept with some kind of othello middle :) |
Nightmarjoo | | |
128x128 is just too big for a (2)map. Look at how ridiculously spread the expo layout is. |
SiaBBo | | |
Hmm, i think i could remake this 128x96 or 96x128.
I don't agree with "terran heaven." ;) |
NastyMarine | | |
yea i dont really agree with that either |
Seal | | |
destination clone. |
NastyMarine | | |
/ditto'd |
SiaBBo | | |
I started the concept before Destination even came out... |