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Last update for (2)Concept : 2008, 10, 30 13:24
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3305 (2)Concept 128*96MorroW0.1betaground

The map has been rated 50 times and got a total of 5 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

decoration or fixing that stuff not done, play unplayable.
just tell me what u think of the concept, balanced?
Photocannon rush ftw!
200/200 cruiser rush ftw

how can you canonrush here?
(2)maps can't work with distances like this, you need a tight path or something imo =/ Basically everygame would be FE -> mass buildings -> 1 big push which decides the game. t>p p>z t>z

For the rest of the map... z needs an ovy spot.
I like cliffable mains, it's bold/brave, but having cliffable nats too is a bit much imo.
I don't really like the min onlys. The one in the middle will get in the way of pathing, and is imo too far for being so vulnerable. Maybe put the big ramp where the min only is, and min onlys where the big ramp (the center and largest ramp, and combine the smaller ramp by the min only with the large ramp ish). Then perhaps put an 815 ramp by the new location of the min only, or even a default ramp to focus pathing in other directions. The other min only I feel is too far also to be useful, it might as well have gas (cliffable from the plateau with the island).
Hm I think you can move the high 3rd directly against the main, I don't think tanking the mains will be a problem, I think you just waste some space by moving the high 3rds over.

Cliffable close 3rds with alternate 3rds which are farther but safer is nice, but I don't like the main/nat/3rd layout. I can't say that I like the cliff thing. Also, I don't know if I like being able to cliff the nat and 3rd at the same time, as well as potentially the main too lol. I'd have a lot of fun dropping 3 lurkers and 3 hydras, using the hydras to make lurker eggs to block the ramps while simultaneously attacking the scvs/probes of three bases rofl.

I like a lot of the map, but I don't like the mains/nats/cliff layout, it creates some nasty pathing, not to mention having main formations like that limits a lot of play, like 9pool running lings around, reaver harass, vultures, etc; forces a lot of people to use the cliffs, but it's hard to do so since players will obviously block that. I think muta harass will either be impossible or impossible to defend. Also eh the mains seem to really be undroppable. In Bluestorm 6 drops SW, but 6 belongs to NE. In this map, 6 belongs to SW so NE can't drop the main easily, this can lead to balance problems pvt and zvp. I think it's not the high 3rd which causes this problem, just the funny shape/orientation of the main which I don't like. And bleh the cliff itself is so awkward and hard to get to. I think it should be made less powerful but easier to get to. Also as it is, I think the gas's placement for the mains is positionally imbalanced. To balance them and prevent gas issue, the sl needs to be moved as does the orientation of the main a little bit. I think your cliff and mains should be more Othello-esque, but not a direct copy, that won't work well here either imo. And I don't mean like Andromeda either.
For the rest of the map, the middle needs some work imo, I don't like the center min only, and the other min only needs gas, but otherwise I like it. I like the islands, the high 3rds, and the fact that so much stuff is cliffable. The expo layout is decent too, there's no obvious direction to expo in, you have a lot of choice and options, and it attempts to redirect pathing some.
i also like the islands, wait where are the islands nightmarjoo? rofl

i can move the main formations away from the cliff alittle

i can also add gas to far minonlys

i might cramp down the low ground paths making middle wider, probably more possible for protoss to hold the middle then

as for the "t>p p>z t>z", the gas at the minonly will help tvp and tvz which is good. dunno about pvz since im t user.
protoss can actually put his pylons at the main cliff behind preventing drops of larger units :P

i didnt like the close minonlys since i thought they too risky for pretty much any race to take, also causing passing issue after expanding there.

and yes as i move main formation i can enlarge main by pushing away that nomansland cliff between third gas and main

i might reduse the lenght thtt the cliff goes around natural, so i can move the path alittle.
lol I thought raised jungle things were islands. I'm not used to raised jungle ramps yet. I still like them though :D
Go through the mineral and make pylon. You have to get forge before get photocannon. Place photocannon to area what comes from the pylon. Make the cannon and just look how it kill all enemy's workers.
good luck with that
LoL, i just saw that little ramp. My bad.
hehe maybe i should have mentioned. there is actually 2 ramps to enter the highground behind

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